How to add email to Google Tasks

Google Tasks lets users turn important emails into to-do lists, helping you stay on top of your priorities.

Google Tasks allows users to turn important emails into to-do lists, helping you stay on top of your priorities. This also helps users get their work done faster. Gmail Tasks not only keeps everything organized, but also lets you set priorities, add reminders, and even sync tasks with your calendar. Here's how to add emails to Google Tasks.

How to add email to Google Tasks on Gmail PC

Step 1:

Users click on the email you want to add to Tasks , then on the right side of the user interface click on the Tasks icon as shown below.

How to add email to Google Tasks Picture 1How to add email to Google Tasks Picture 1

Step 2:

Displayed on the right side of the Tasks interface. Now the user clicks on the 3-dot icon at the top of the email and selects Add to Tasks to perform.


How to add email to Google Tasks Picture 2How to add email to Google Tasks Picture 2

The user will then see the email title displayed as a task in the sidebar, and you can customize it by editing the title, adding notes, or setting a due date.

How to add email to Google Tasks Picture 3How to add email to Google Tasks Picture 3

Click on the Date/Time icon to set a due date if needed. Next, enter additional requirements for the task to be completed.

How to add email to Google Tasks Picture 4How to add email to Google Tasks Picture 4


How to add email to Google Tasks on Gmail app

You need to install the Google Tasks app on your phone to add emails to Google Tasks.

Step 1:

In the Gmail application interface, open the email you want to add to the Tasks application. Then the user clicks on the 3-dot icon in the email and selects Add to Tasks to perform.

Step 2:

The user will then see the email displayed in the Tasks interface. Here the user clicks on the content to change the title and add the date and time you want.


We add date and time to some interfaces to adjust as we like.

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