sudo mkdir -p / media / mount
You need to know the device name of the decrypted partition to notify Dislocker to decrypt it. Use fdisk to list all available partitions.
Run the following command:
sudo fdisk -l
Write down the device name of the encrypted partition using BitLocker.
The next step is to decode the partition. To decode the partition, you need to provide the device name of the BitLocker partition and the password to use when encrypting the partition. Enter the following command:
sudo dislocker -V -u - / media / bitlocker
Replace with the device name of the partition you noted earlier. Replace with the BitLocker password you used to encrypt your drive.
If you want to decode the volume in read-only format, add the -r option:
sudo dislocker -r -V -u - / media / bitlocker
The final step is to mount the partition so you can access your files. Use the following command:
sudo mount -o loop / media / bitlocker / dislocker-file / media / mount
You can now access the / media / mount folder in the file manager and have full access to the encrypted volume on Linux.
If you want to mount the read-only partition, add the -r option:
sudo mount -r -o loop / media / bitlocker / dislocker-file / media / mount
You can encrypt your partitions on Linux to ensure that all your data on that platform is kept safe.
I wish you all success!