How often should you clean the keyboard?
The truth is that not everyone knows that computer keyboards are even dirtier than toilet seats. And do not be startled by this accurate information, a normal computer desk contains 400 times more bacteria than the toilet (the toilet seats usually only have 7 bacteria per 1 cm2).
For computer keyboards in hospitals, the type of bacteria is even more "terrible". Computer keyboards at a Chicago hospital were found to contain Staphylococcus-resistant strains of bacteria such as MRSA for up to 24 hours. In another hospital in the Netherlands, there are 95 out of 100 positive keyboards with Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and many other microorganisms, turning them into the dirtiest surfaces in the intensive care unit.
How often should you clean the keyboard? Picture 1
Every day, we use the keyboard often, regardless of whether after going home, after eating, even eating at the computer desk, sneezing, coughing up the keyboard that often stains and bacteria Stuck at the gap between the keys.
When to clean the keyboard
Most microbiologists think that people should clean the computer desk and keyboard at least once a week. In hospitals, this must be done more often, at least once a day.
How often should you clean the keyboard? Picture 2
In addition, we should wash our hands before and after using any shared computer, especially during the flu season.
How to clean and clean the keyboard
- Instructions for cleaning the keyboard yourself, cleaning Laptop keyboard
See more:
- 10 dirty objects are tens of times more than the toilet that people often use everyday
- Why do the F and J keys on the computer keyboard have horizontal lines?
- Using a computer for a long time, do you know the meaning of these keys?
You should read it
- How to clean the most clean computer keyboard
- How to Clean MacBook Pro Keyboard
- Hackers can track your keyboard typing order to steal information
- Using a computer for a long time, do you know the meaning of these keys?
- Best ergonomic (Ergonomic) keyboard 2018
- Instructions for cleaning the keyboard yourself, cleaning Laptop keyboard
- How to clean the keyboard of a computer
- Disable Windows 10 keyboard in 5 simple ways
- How to use the keyboard of a computer
- Top 5 best mechanical keyboard brands today
- How to use KeyboardTest to check the computer keyboard
- Top best wireless keyboard for Mac and PC
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