Although everything uses data lost to decide to block, Jacobson said that according to him, BBR is the only TCP algorithm that actually calculates the traffic speed to determine the best way to send it, even if it is data. Whether it is lost or not.
Mirja Kühlewind, a senior researcher at the Networked Systems Group in Zurich and a Transport Area Director at the IETF, is also working to improve TCP, saying that standardization in transmission and congestion control is time consuming. . A lot of effort but only 1 was standardized and that was before the birth of BIC and BBR. Jacobson said the company's goal is to make BBR a standard.
Some Google customers have also realized the benefits of BBR. Wordpress hosts half a million pages on Google Cloud, founder and CTO Jason Cohen also cited Google's research showing that BBR improves 2,700 times the data compared to other data-based controls.
Cloud Platform users can automatically receive benefits from BBR when using certain GCP services such as Cloud Spanner, BigTable, Storage, CDN and Load Balancing.