Hot iPhone, cause and fix

Where is the iPhone hot and how do I fix this? The following article will tell you why the iPhone is hot and how to cool the iPhone.

iOS is one of the most popular mobile operating systems in the world with bright colors, friendly interface, easy to use and capable of controlling energy and temperature of the device quite effectively. However, there will still be times when you encounter a situation where your device becomes overheated, affecting users as well as the operation of the device. So why does your iPhone get hot and how to fix this?

First, we need to know that the iPhone is designed to operate at temperatures ranging from 0 ° C to 35 ° C. If the temperature of your device increases to a certain temperature, the screen will appear that your device is too hot and you will be temporarily unable to use the device until the temperature drops. moderately down.

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What are the reasons why iPhone is hot?

There are three main reasons why your device gets hot:

  1. Microprocessors are having to carry out too large workloads.If you are playing high-graphics games or editing and processing 4K-format clips, you will easily realize that your battery is falling quickly and that your device will become more and more hotter.On the other hand, there is no fan in the iPhone to cool the processor.At the same time, the aluminum alloy shell makes the temperature in the iPhone impossible to escape quickly, resulting in your device getting hotter and hotter.However, this temperature is not enough to cause damage to your device or even not enough to activate the iPhone's temperature warning screen.

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  1. The device is in a place with a high temperature.Leaving your iPhone in your car in the summer or allowing direct sunlight to shine are things that you need to avoid because those actions will cause the device temperature to exceed the allowed level and may cause the battery to as components in the machine are damaged.If you have to park your car and go somewhere, keep your phone in a cool place, or simply take it with you.

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  1. The battery suddenly dropped quickly without any reason.In this case, the battery will produce a lot of heat, making your machine unusually hot.This situation is very rare because when an error occurs with the battery, the iOS operating system will automatically restart the device to fix the error.If this is the case, immediately turn off the device and check it out.

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How to fix hot iPhone

Absolutely do not place the device in the refrigerator in the hope that it will accelerate the cooling of the device. It sounds like this is a way to solve the problem, but actually when you do that, you will accidentally cause additional damage to your device's battery due to the temperature drop too quickly. This will significantly reduce the battery capacity.

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Instead of doing so, try some of the following:

  1. Remove the phone case
  2. Turn off the entire application and disable the Background App Refresh function
  3. Turn on Low Power Mode (This will cause the device to turn off some other features, but you can turn it back on later if you want)
  4. Darken the screen
  5. Turn off positioning
  6. Turn off Bluetooth
  7. Open some battery diagnostic applications
  8. Take your device for repair or warranty

See also: How to disable the Background App Refresh function and Turn on the Low Power Mode feature


Hopefully, the above article will help you to avoid and overcome the situation of hot iPhone device. Good luck!

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