Good commands when using the virtual assistant Cortana on Windows 10

Good commands when using the virtual assistant Cortana on Windows 10. Cortana is a pretty smart virtual assistant built into Windows 10, you can chat with cortana or tell cortana to do anything in its capabilities. However, to order cortana, you must use English because Vietnamese is not yet supported.

Cortana is a pretty smart virtual assistant built into Windows 10, you can chat with cortana or order cortana to do anything within its power. However, to order cortana, you must use English because Vietnamese is not yet supported. The following article of will summarize for you good commands when using the virtual assistant Cotana, please refer.

Good commands when using the virtual assistant Cortana on Windows 10 Picture 1Good commands when using the virtual assistant Cortana on Windows 10 Picture 1

List of useful commands when using Cortana:

  1. Turn on or off Wi-Fi

    Turn on or off Wi-Fi

  2. Turn on or off Bluetooth.

    Turn Bluetooth on or off

  3. Turn on or off Airplane Mode

    Turn on or off airplane mode

  4. What's the weather like? Or What will the weather be like in two days? Or Is it going to rain tomorrow?

    Ask the weather

  5. Launch Mozilla Firefox or Open

    Order a program (eg FireFox) or open a website

  6. Take a note or Note it down

    This is the command to create a note in OneNote

  7. What's 35 times 16? or What's 23 minus two?

    Perform simple calculations

  8. What is five miles in kilometers? Or How many teaspoons in a cup?

    Unit converter

  9. What's the definition of 'table'? Or Do you know what 'gargantuan' means?

    Define a word

  10. How's my schedule looking? or What do I have next week?

    See at a glance your calendar of events.

  11. Add dentist appointment to Thursday at 3 pm or Schedule phone call with Lisa tomorrow at 5 am

    Add an appointment to your calendar

  12. Move my dentist appointment to Friday

    Move an appointment

  13. Remind me to call Timmy at 2 pm or Remind me to ask about vacation time when I talk to Huy

    Set reminders based on time, person, or location

  14. Set an alarm for 9 am or Wake me up in an hour

    Command for setting an alarm

  15. Show me my alarm

    Review my alarm

  16. What day is Christmas? or When is Labor Day?

    Ask about big holidays

  17. Find pictures from last week. or Find documents from May 2015. or Find videos from yesterday

    Search for photos, videos, documents . on your device from a specific time frame.

  18. Can you find a document called Thuthuatphanmem? Or Can you find a picture called 'favicon'?

    Search for files by name

  19. How tall is Harrison Ford? or Who is the CEO of Google? Or When was the Lincoln Memorial built?

    See basic search results, such as information about public figures, companies, locations, and culture, etc.

  20. How long will it take me to get to [Location or Location]? or What is traffic like on the way to [Location or Location]?

    Find a location on the map

  21. What was the score of the last Detroit Tigers game?

    Look up sports scores?

  22. Play [artist / song / genre / playlist / album] or Shuffle the music

    Control music in the Groove Music application.

  23. Pause song or skip track

    Control music playback

  24. What is this song?

    Ask the name of the song being played.

  25. How do you say 'dog' in French? or How do you say 'how are you' in Japanese

    Translate a word or phrase into another language

  26. What's 400 reais in Euros? or What's 1,000 yen in US dollars?

    Currency converter

  27. What time is it in Los Angeles? or What time is it in Thailan?

    Find current time in a city or Country

  28. Where am I?

    If you are in a strange place, you can ask this question to know where you are.

The above are some useful commands you can use to command Cortana, if you know how to use these commands well, it will be very useful. Thank you for watching!

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