With a very simple click, it offers great results. This menu helps you pack selected photos very quickly into a PDF document to share with friends and family.
FilerFrog is a great extension for Windows Explorer Picture 9
You have two options for displaying the menu of FilerFrog. The first way is to click the Settings menu in the FilerFrog menu and select Show favorites in the main menu (hide all other menus) to display the favorites list (Favorites) in the main menu (hide all other menus ). Option 2: Click the Settings menu in the FilerFrog menu and Show favorites in favorites menu (default) to display the favorites list in the main menu located in a submenu of the main menu.
FilerFrog is a great extension for Windows Explorer Picture 10
You can customize your list of favorites. Simply click Manage Favorites and a window that allows you to drag the above items into the Favorites menu will open.
FilerFrog is a great extension for Windows Explorer Picture 11
After selecting the menu the results may look like the following:
FilerFrog is a great extension for Windows Explorer Picture 12
You can download 32 bit version or 64 bit version.
If you want more information, you can visit the FilerFrog homepage .