Check spelling in WordPress with After the Deadline

If you are a WordPress user, this is definitely one of the indispensable tools when writing. The truth is that no one can guarantee that 100% of their posts are error-free, even those who specialize in editing sometimes have some basic errors ... - If you are a WordPress user, this is definitely one of the indispensable tools when writing. The truth is that no one can guarantee that 100% of their posts are error-free, even those who specialize in editing sometimes have some basic errors. For example, typing too fast will easily mistake the time between a and e characters, or how to use it and is always suitable . After the Deadline - a tool that supports the process of checking and detecting Spelling errors in the entire article text, simple, easy to use and completely free.

With the smart operating mechanism, built with AJAX, After the Deadline will not download the entire dictionary database from the server to the computer; instead, the application will send the text content to the server to analyze, process, and then send the results back.

After installing and activating this plugin, you will see a button with the ABC icon on the toolbar:

Check spelling in WordPress with After the Deadline Picture 1Check spelling in WordPress with After the Deadline Picture 1

To check spelling and grammar, just click on that button. Spelling mistakes will be marked with a red underline, while grammar will be a blue underline:

Check spelling in WordPress with After the Deadline Picture 2Check spelling in WordPress with After the Deadline Picture 2

To fix the error, just click on the wrong phrase, a popup window will appear, and list the list of suitable options. You can choose one of those options or Ignore Suggestion to skip this step. For example, from MakeTechEasier not in the dictionary database, select Ignore Always and the system will not remind you from the following times:

Check spelling in WordPress with After the Deadline Picture 3Check spelling in WordPress with After the Deadline Picture 3

Setting mechanisms:

Unlike other plug-in systems that come with a fixed Setting page, After the Deadline does not have this setting page. Instead, you must access the system properties sheet and set it separately. You can configure to include automatically re-reading content when an article or a page is first posted or updated .:

Check spelling in WordPress with After the Deadline Picture 4Check spelling in WordPress with After the Deadline Picture 4

Ability to support many different platforms:

Nature, After the Deadline is developed and published in various forms, such as bookmarklet, Google Chrome addon, Firefox extension, Intense Debate comment system, bbPress and Open Office extension. Besides, if you are not sure about using After the Deadline, please refer to the demo test page here, just type anything in it and press the Check Writing button. Extremely simple, friendly, easy to use, completely free . this is definitely an indispensable choice for blog users.

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