CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel

CELL function: The function returns information about the format or content of a cell. Syntax: CELL (info_type, [reference])

The following article introduces you to the CELL function - one of the functions in the information function group is very popular in Excel.

CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 1CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 1

Description: The function returns information about the format or content of a cell.

Syntax: CELL (info_type, [reference])


- info_type: Text value that determines the type of information returned, is a required parameter. Types of information returned:

+ info_type = address -> returns the address of the cell.

+ info_type = col -> returns the column number of the cell.

+ info_type = color -> returns the color of the cell.

+ info_type = contents -> returns the content of the cell.

+ info_type = filename -> returns the name including the full path.

+ info_type = format -> returns the format of the cell.

+ info_type = parentheses -> identify cells that use single quotes for positive values ​​or all values, otherwise return 0.

+ info_type = prefix -> returns the cell label prefix.

+ info_type = protect -> determines if the cell is locked or not if it returns 1 value otherwise returns 0 value.

+ info_type = row -> returns the number of rows of the cell.

+ info_type = type -> returns the cell's data type.

+ info_type = width -> returns the width of the cell.

- reference: The cell that wants to return the corresponding information, which is an optional parameter if omitting the function that returns information for the last cell.


- In case you change the format of a cell but then set another format -> must reset that sheet.

For example:

Determine the information of the cells described in the following data table:

CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 2CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 2

- Define information about the number of rows of cells. In a cell to calculate enter the formula : = CELL ("row", C6)

CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 3CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 3

- Press Enter -> return value is:

CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 4CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 4

- Similarly determine the data type of the cell -> enter the formula: = CELL ("type", C7) -> press Enter -> return value is:

CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 5CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 5

- Determine the content of the cell -> enter the formula: = CELL ("contents", C8) -> press Enter -> return value is:

CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 6CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 6

- Similarly determine the format and address of the cell (corresponding format and type ) -> the results:

CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 7CELL function - The function returns information about the format or content of a cell in Excel Picture 7

Above are instructions and some specific examples when using CELL function in Excel.

Good luck!

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