Bluestacks 2318 error, here's how to fix it
Bluestacks is one of the most complete Android application emulation software on Windows. With Bluestacks, users don't need to install a new operating system on their computer. Instead, Bluestacks runs the Android application on a regular Windows window. So you can run Android apps like running other Windows applications.
However, if you are a Bluestacks user, you will probably encounter error 2318 in the process of using the emulator software. So how to fix this error, please refer to the following article of Network Administrator.
Bluestacks 2318 error, here's how to fix it Picture 1
1. Causes of errors
There are many causes of Bluestacks 2318 errors. The cause may be due to Registry errors, either because of virus attacks, or malicious software.
2. Solutions to overcome errors
Here are some Bluestacks 2318 troubleshooting solutions:
2.1. Fix Registry errors
As mentioned above, the cause of the Bluestacks 2318 error may be due to a corrupted Registry. Therefore, to fix Bluestacks 2318 error, the first solution you can use is to edit the Registry.
Don't forget to back up the Registry before taking the steps.
To do this thing:
- First press Windows + R key combination to open the Run command window.
- Enter regedit in the Run command window and press Enter or click OK to open the Registry Editor window.
- Here press Ctrl + F , then enter the keyword bluestacks into it, delete all Bluestacks Registry.
- Make sure you have deleted Bluestacks following the link below:
- The next step is to uninstall Bluestacks on the Add or Remove Programs window .
- Finally reinstalling Bluestacks and error 2318 will no longer exist.
2.2. Restart the Windows Installer
Sometimes the cause of the error may be due to Windows Installer. In this case you just need to restart Windows Installer and the error will be fixed.
- First open the Command Prompt window under Admin. On Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10, press Windows + X key combination to open Power User Menu, then click Command Prompt (Admin).
- On the Command Prompt window, enter each of the commands below and press Enter:
net stop msiserver
net start msiserver
- Finally try to install or uninstall Bluestacks and check if the error is still there.
2.3. Clean up viruses on the system
In some cases, viruses or programs, malicious services can cause errors. Therefore, you should use anti-virus programs and software effectively to remove malicious programs on your system and check if the error is still present.
Refer to some of the following articles:
Play Android games on Windows with BlueStacks
4 ways to run Android apps on your computer
BlueStacks adds 750,000 Android applications to the MAC
I wish you all success!
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