5 reasons laptop is not on the screen and how to fix it effectively

Laptop is not on the screen but the fan is still running? 5 reasons why laptops are not on the screen and how to fix them effectively.

One fine day your  laptop  suddenly has problems, booting up forever but still not on the screen. You are struggling to know what your laptop is wrong and how to fix it? Here are 5 reasons laptop is not on the screen and how to fix it effectively.

These are only common causes when the laptop is not on the screen. If you are knowledgeable about laptops, you can fix it yourself. If you are not familiar or have tried all the ways and the laptop still does not appear on the screen, you should bring your laptop to the repair center for best support.

1. Broken high voltage board

- Signal

The laptop screen does not turn on, or there are blurry images or some light streaks even though the laptop still shows signs of operation, the fan is still spinning.

- Reason

Your laptop has the above signs, the possibility of your laptop has been damaged or faulty high voltage circuit (the part that supplies power to the laptop).

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Broken high-voltage board makes laptop screen not open

- How to fix

For errors related to the circuit board, you should bring your laptop to the repair shop or to the manufacturer's warranty center if your machine is under warranty, the board repair cost is not too high.

2. Broken screen

- Signal

The laptop is still running but the screen has dark bruises on the screen or doesn't turn on, showing signs of cracks.

- Reason

The screen is damaged or broken due to strong impacts or dipping.

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The laptop screen is broken

- How to fix

Find a removable screen, then output the screen from the HDMI port on the laptop (or VGA for older laptops) the discrete screen. If the screen is normal, your laptop has broken screen, need to replace it.

3. Liquid RAM, dirty

- Signal

Laptop flashes and restarts continuously with beep beep. Or you can use a VGA or HDMI port to output the removable screen, if the display is normal, your screen is damaged, and if the screen still does not turn up, the problem lies in the RAM bar  .

- Reason

Because the RAM sticks are loose or the contacts are dirty.

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Loose, dirty RAM also prevents the laptop from opening

- How to fix

Remove the laptop and clean your RAM stick.

4. BIOS error

- Signal

When booting the laptop to the screen, but only the BIOS interface   (black and white interface) appears and then stands still.

- Reason

It could be that there is a problem with the BIOS powering chipset or the BIOS battery is out of battery.

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Laptop only shows BIOS interface

- How to fix

Remove the laptop and check the chipset that powers the BIOS, at this point if you are not familiar with it, you should ask an experienced technician to do it. If not because of the chipset, then it is most likely that the BIOS is out of battery or the BIOS has not updated.

5. Failure of high pressure

- Signal

The screen displays images but is very dim and dark, difficult to see without looking closely.

- Reason

Broken high voltage power supply for laptop screen.

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High-pressure damage renders images very blurred and dark

- How to fix

The fix is ​​to find a suitable high voltage monitor for your monitor to replace the broken high voltage. This is not too difficult, but the high voltage cost is quite high so you need to be sure about the error and whether the replacement is necessary or not.

Recently I have given 5 reasons laptop not on the screen as well as how to fix them. Hope you enjoyed the article and see you in the following articles!

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