Learn about IRC and how to use mIRC
I think many of us use Yahoo Messenger primarily without the notion of existence of messaging protocols, or something complicated, . with a lot of people 's lazy to learn ( the truth).
Learn about IRC and how to use mIRC Picture 1
Famous private tracker networks, if they want to join, must go through an interview via IRC channels. Main hdvnbits.org we should also implement that method to filter members who are really seeders, avoid hit and run ( fear of hard drive failure, cost of money, fear of wasting electricity and something not known ) .
For example, if you want to go into the chat, please ask for an invitation to join TorrentLeech , go to the staff, interview, . to go to for example ( I haven't tried ), go to its website: TorrentLeech.org :: Chat has the following item :
Nếu không thay thế kết nối với danh sách bạn IRC, head để #torrentleech at irc.torrentleech.org:7011 or: +7021 (ssl).
So need to understand IRC and IRC client as well as what the other parameters are?
What is IRC?
IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat , a communication protocol that allows global servers to link and allow users to access it with special software (IRC clients) and chat (send messages and messages) are almost instantaneous (or real-time) .
IRC is mainly used for group exchange ( group communication ) in discussion forums ( eg hdvnbits.org ), through channels ( channels ). And of course IRC also allows for 1 - 1 exchange via private messenger (PM) mode, as well as data exchange via Direct client-to-client.
For detailed technical information of IRC please read here . I will not talk in detail or review IRC commands because the GUI clients have done it all for us, the rest are just usage.
So in order to be able to use IRC, we need: IRC server, IRC client, IRC channel
Example above: #torrentleech at irc.torrentleech.org:7011
Then: IRC Server: irc.torrentleech.org:7011, Channel: #torrentleech
IRC Clients
The IRC client is a program that allows you to connect to IRC servers and send and receive messages. The IRC client is responsible for exchanging raw data with the server and interacting with users through an easy-to-use interface.
There are many IRC Client programs, usually divided by operating system, used on Windows or Linux or Mac, .
On Windows: the most popular software is mIRC ( mIRC: Internet Relay Chat client ) , read more about the interface. However, you should not confuse mIRC with IRC protocol, mIRC is only a client, not more, and especially for people who are unfamiliar, or afraid to read a lot, they only know mIRC. mIRC is a commercial version, it must be purchased.
Learn about IRC and how to use mIRC Picture 2
In addition, there are other clients usually open source ( open source ) like Miranda IM, Bersirc, KVIrc, Trillian, Pidgin, Visual IRC, ChatIRC and XChat . Pidgin is the default instant messenger for all old Gnome versions.
On Linux with different distributions, you can access IRC using the default messaging software like Pidgin, Empathy ( for Gnome version 2.28 onwards ). In addition, ircll can be considered if possible, since it is said to be quite common in the IRC client system for Unix and Linux. In KDE , you can also install the above packages or use the default program to connect.
Currently I am using Ubuntu 9.10 with XChat program very effectively. If you use other guys to access any IRC server, please pay attention.
Compare client versions here.
How to use IRC Client is as simple as using Google with the keyword: how to use ten_client. Example: how to use mirc, .
Specific instructions for mIRC (demo)
The best way is to follow this Video and follow:
The most important is to enter the correct server name, and the right select channel is done.
1. Why create channel on IRC:
- Since joining many trackers myself, I think that organizing a separate IRC channel for hdvnbits is very necessary.
- IRC has been very popular in Vietnam, but now it is Yahoo, so it is impossible to know what the IRC is ( including me, only seen a few times in the chat room, and how did it work? ), but can change the perception about this. Use a fairly stable IRC, for a private community network, and if you do that, Yahoo will be at a loss
- Creating the attachment, solidarity of the members, passionate people in HD on the tracker.
- Create an invite channel, interview an elite member for the tracker, avoid inviting status to HR broadcast a few dozen GB and then run.
- It is possible to create BTS's way, the more people online in the channel, the more bonuses to improve the upload status, or other bonuses. But online time is the most standard.
- Based on this channel, the brothers when they quarrel with other staff tracker are not afraid (because they practice fighting), or we can open channel = English to practice " work" for the brothers, specializing in searching other tracker.
2. Testing
Before opening multiple channels, let's try to get used to a main channel, even if our staff members are also involved, I will give OP rights to mods, admin to manage this channel. At the same time, I can also support, answer, guide you to familiarize yourself with the commands ( using a lot of familiar, very simple ).
I choose the server at efnet, there is no need to register a channel, the channel is not active, there is not enough time available, there is a separate BOT to delete that channel, so there is no status of channel registration and then leave it. In addition, this server is greatly appreciated.
Instructions and tutorials: You read lesson 1 on this, or follow this link if you are familiar with the command, or check the IRC command: An IRC Tutorial
Channel information:
Server: irc.p2p-network.net port 6667
Channel: #hdvnbits
Or click directly on the following link to go to channel: irc: //irc.p2p-network.net/hdvnbits ( open with your IRC client ).
See more at: Instructions for logging into HDVNbits IRC Channel with mIRC
For safety, the password for this channel has been created, so if anyone wants to join, use the following command:
/ join #hdvnbits
I hope you will try to see how difficult it is, if you have any questions, please reply below, I will answer, and I will not ask Google.
Some simple commands:
/ join #ten_channel: used to join a certain channel
/ msg nickname message: send a message for nickname
Some commands for OP (operator):
/ op nickname: set nickname to op
/ kick nickname: chase him
3. Develop the Channel on the new form
In order to turn the channel into the same type of BTS, it is necessary to link to all the code for the tracker, sometimes hire BOT, . to do the necessary functions:
- The username must match the username in the tracker
- Password must match the password in the tracker
- Can you see how much bonus you can get and add it to the upload amount via the command like:! ircbonus
This has not been studied carefully, seeing that they do it, so I don't dare to say anything.
Double things contribute, looking forward to your home tracker growing.
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