Your computer, your laptop is This is how to 'treat them' is an online money-making service (called MMO = Make Money Online), the working method of this service is to shorten the URL, share and make money from the number of users who click on that shortened link. But the's accompanying services, typically downloader files. advertising services ... annoying, troublesome and extremely uncomfortable for users.

As we all know, is an online money-making service (referred to as MMO = Make Money Online), the working method of this service is to shorten URLs, share and make money from people Use click on that short link. If this is the case, then nothing is worth mentioning, but the problem here is the's accompanying services, typically downloader files. advertising services . annoying, troublesome and extremely uncomfortable for users.

Recently a lot of friends have already pm me and complained:

  1. I downloaded 1 free software online, installed it on my computer. Since then, the browser always opens a certain page, or when clicking on any link, it is asked and asked to click on the confirmation box I AM NOT A BOT from the browser .

Your computer, your laptop is This is how to 'treat them' Picture 1Your computer, your laptop is This is how to 'treat them' Picture 1

In the article below, please join to overcome the problems that cause!

Steps to remove

When encountering a change in the homepage of the browser, constantly right clicking the ad . caused by, many people have used Revo Uninstaller to remove it, CCleaner scans the entire computer, finds and removes it Registry but not effective. The problem is not that the programs do not work, but the order in which they are applied is wrong in this case. So what is the correct order?

The necessary tools for "good treatment" are:

  1. Hitman Pro
  2. Microsoft Safety Scanner
  3. AdwCleaner
  4. Junkware Removal Tool - JRT

1. Use Junkware Removal Tool:

First, restart your computer and enter Safe Mode.

Refer to the tutorial:

  1. How to enable Safe Mode on Windows 7
  2. Enter Safe Mode with Windows 8
  3. Run Safe Mode with Windows XP

Then, run the file JRT.exe , this tool will help users to remove auto-fill data - Auto Fill Data on the browser, and "handle" unnecessary plugins on Google Chrome (unfortunately is not available on Mozilla Firefox ), it is imperative to stop the services - Service is running in background mode. And the time needed to complete this process is 10-20 minutes depending on your operating system, your computer configuration.

Your computer, your laptop is This is how to 'treat them' Picture 2Your computer, your laptop is This is how to 'treat them' Picture 2

2. Use Hitman Pro:

When JRT is finished, we switch to using "killer" - HitmanPro (remember to still connect to the Internet, because HitmanPro runs on Cloud platform). HitmanPro is a paid software, but still offers a 30-day trial, so it is safe to install and register properly. If HitmanPro detects any dangerous components, just apply the exclusion method: Delete - delete or Quarantine - quarantine.

Your computer, your laptop is This is how to 'treat them' Picture 3Your computer, your laptop is This is how to 'treat them' Picture 3

3. Run Microsoft Safety Scanner:

This is the longest time in all of our steps, so be sure to select the Full Scan section (the average 10TB hard drive will take about 1.5 hours on average):

Your computer, your laptop is This is how to 'treat them' Picture 4Your computer, your laptop is This is how to 'treat them' Picture 4

When finished, the program will display a message asking to restart. Wait, turn it off and restart after completing step 4 below.

4. Run AdwCleaner:

Similar to the above 3 steps, run the program, and delete all detected dangerous components. Then restart the computer when requested.

Your computer, your laptop is This is how to 'treat them' Picture 5Your computer, your laptop is This is how to 'treat them' Picture 5

The last step, you open the browser, access the website, click on the links to see if is bothering again. If it is, repeat step 1> step 4 once more. So, has guided you how to remove from your computer, along with the annoyance that this URL shortening service and online money bring.Good luck!

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