Wordpress's secret to making profits
Wordpress how to make money while still providing free service to users?
Anyone who has ever blogged knows that Automattic's free Wordpress - blog makes people comfortable writing and sharing ideas. So how does Wordpress make money while still providing free services to users?
Wordpress's secret to making profits Picture 1
Matt Mullenweg, founder of Wordpress shared some of the following methods:
Web Hosting
Wordpress has provided hosting services for major brands such as Wall Street Journal, CNN, TechCrunch, Time.com and many other names. The price of VIP hosting service is from 15,000 USD / month.
Google Adsense
Google Adsense is Google's advertising service that charges advertisers by clicking and sharing costs for website owners.
Blog pages on Wordpress can appear ads of Google Adsense and Wordpress can enjoy a portion of advertising revenue. The ads of Google Adsense only appear when there are three following conditions are met:
+ Visitors do not use Firefox browser.
+ The user has an account at Wordpress, and the ad only appears when the user has logged out of the account.
+ The above information does not appear on websites like abc.wordpress.com or xyz.wordpress.com. So, when you log on websites with the same domain name as above, you will not see Google AdSense ads.
Even with the above provisions, but the revenue from Google Adsense ads of Wordpress is also very significant because there are about 1 billion visits to this website every month.
Automattic Kismet
You will rarely see spam in your blogs, because it is filtered by an excellent spam filtering software called Automattic Kismet (Akismet for short).
This software is also applicable for personal and non-commercial blogs. If you want to maintain a large network of blogs for your business, make sure you buy this spam blocking service for $ 50 a month. If you are a personal blog but can earn 500 USD from advertising services on your blog site, you also have to pay for Akismet service is 5 USD / month.
Pemium account
Anyone can have a free account to host blogs on Wordpress but if you need more space to store multimedia files or you want a separate domain name for your blog instead of xyz.wordpress. com, you need a premium feature or a Premium account. Depending on the level of this account, Wordpress will charge different costs for users.
Web Host Refferal
As a third-party referral service for users to host their blog sites and Wordpress will get a commission fee. In fact, this is a huge income for Automattic.
Wordpress Support
If you need support from Wordpress but its free support services can't help you, the Wordpress development team will be happy to help with a small fee. This group will help with the resolution within 6 hours. This service is primarily for business users who are willing to spend 2.5 to 5 thousand USD per year for Wordpress.
Poll Daddy
This is a Wordpress poll service. Users can pay a fee to set up an unlimited online survey on the number of questions. This survey feature may appear on the website or on the user's blog.
Guide Tranfers
Worpress navigation service is like the call forwarding function of mobile phones. If you want to migrate your Blog from Wordpress.com to Wordpress.org, Automattic can provide this service at a cost of $ 119.
Cloud storage service of Wordpress. If you want to automatically store your Wordpress blog on the cloud, Automattic can help you with this initial cost of 15 USD / month.
Is the plugin service that allows you to store videos or audio files on your own barking website. There is no limit to the bandwidth or duration of the video, these videos are played back in HD with a starting cost of US $ 60 per year.
After the services listed above, have you got any idea to make money from your website?
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