Why does the AirTag make a beeping sound?

Apple's AirTag is capable of emitting sounds in different situations.

Apple's AirTag is capable of emitting sounds in different situations. For example, you might have connected it to your iPhone or found an unknown AirTag in Find. Keep reading to discover all the reasons behind your AirTag's beeping or chirping.

The AirTag battery is connected

When you connect the battery to your AirTag(s), you will hear a higher-pitched chime that gradually shifts to a lower frequency. Although the volume is different, the two bells make the same sound. You will also hear this sound when replacing the AirTag battery.

When you first purchase an AirTag, the tracker will play the same sound once you set it up, as it does when connecting the battery. So if you're wondering why your new AirTag is making noise, that could be the reason.

If you don't know how long you have until you need to replace your AirTag battery, you can read TipsMake's instructions on how to check your AirTag battery.

You have set up your AirTag

Why does the AirTag make a beeping sound? Picture 1Why does the AirTag make a beeping sound? Picture 1

Typically, setting up your AirTags doesn't take too long, and you'll hear a shorter chime once the process is complete.

After setting up AirTag, you can play a sound from the Find My app whenever you need to find your tracking target.

An unknown AirTag is moving with you

Why does the AirTag make a beeping sound? Picture 2Why does the AirTag make a beeping sound? Picture 2

If you're moving and your iPhone doesn't recognize an unknown AirTag moving with you, you'll hear a faster-paced AirTag. You will also often receive an "AirTag Found Moving With You" push notification on your iPhone.

If you know about this AirTag - for example, you borrowed it from a friend, family member or neighbor - there is nothing to worry about. But if you don't recognize the AirTag, it's a good idea to err on the side of caution.

In 2022, Apple announced it will introduce new features to protect people from being tracked, but people with malicious intentions can still use this technology to stalk you.

Luckily, you can protect yourself from AirTag stalking in several ways. For example, you can remove the battery or use a Bluetooth scanning app.

You found an unknown AirTag in Find My

Why does the AirTag make a beeping sound? Picture 3Why does the AirTag make a beeping sound? Picture 3

If you hear your AirTag beep three times, it may be because the Find My app hasn't recognized it yet. The same rules from the previous section apply here: If you're borrowing an item from someone you know, this isn't a big deal.

On the other hand, beeping sounds from unknown AirTags in Find My that you don't recognize can be worrying. Sometimes, you may hear this sound because you picked up a wallet or keys someone dropped and want to hand it over to the police. However, if the same situation does not happen, it means someone is trying to spy on you.

AirTag is easy to use and set up; Sound is usually not a cause for concern. You'll hear them when you set up the tracker, change the battery, and whenever you choose to play a sound in the Find My app. Occasionally, you may also hear unidentified AirTags, which can be worrying but is rare.

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