Top 4 note-taking apps for Android
1. Keep Notes
Keep Notes is a great option if you have a device with Google Assistant. If you set your note as a reminder, your phone will automatically set up Google Assistant for that. When the reminder's time arrives, you'll immediately receive a notification.
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Keep Notes itself is also a powerful note-taking tool. For example, you can quickly make shopping lists and tick items as you complete them. Keep Notes will also try to automatically suggest popular or previously imported items to make lists faster.
Keep Notes is tied to Google, meaning its compatibility with other apps is pretty limited. However, if you regularly use Google products (Gmail, Google Photos, Sheets, Docs, .) then this shouldn't be a problem.
2. Evernote
If you like something that isn't tied to Google, give Evernote a try. This app is one of the most popular note-taking apps and has been around for many years. It features cloud-based note-taking and works very well across multiple platforms.
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Evernote comes with a host of modern features. You can upload your handwritten notes to the cloud or share your notes with other users to coordinate ideas. Unfortunately, many other good features come at a premium; For example, free users can only upload 60MB of data per month. However, the monthly cost isn't too big, so give it a try if you're a note taker.
3. ColorNote
If you're looking for something a bit simpler, give Colornote a try. It doesn't have as many features as other note-taking apps, but there's one thing it does best - note-taking on widgets.
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After you've written a note in ColorNote, you can add it to your home screen through a widget. Now you can place your notes wherever you like and organize them by color. This is useful for people who are often distracted and need to take notes on their phone to memorize things.
4. FiiNote
If you want to learn a little more, give FiiNote a try. This application is designed to take notes of lessons and studies. This is supported by the numerous ways you modify and enter text. You can enter via keyboard or handwrite text for complex notes like math equations. You can zoom in and out of text depending on how important it is and highlight notable information.
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This is not the right app for basic note-taking. If you need a quick app for your shopping list, you'll find that FiiNote seems more complicated than what you need. However, for those who want to take notes on the go, this is a must-have.
Smartphones are always with us, making them the top candidate for note-taking. Whether you're shopping for groceries, researching a topic or just don't want to forget something, there's a great Android app ready to help!
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