Tips to maximize wifi speed that no one told you

Wifi lag, unstable signal makes you feel uncomfortable, work less effectively, playing games more stressful? Here are some tips to speed up wifi up to 200% that no one has told you.

You have to pay hundreds of thousands a month to own a stable wifi connection speed. But life is not like life, what you get is a slow wifi network. If your phone, laptop or tablet often experiences poor wifi signal, flickering, lagging when watching movies - accessing the internet, then do not blame the network operator. Below are some tricks to maximize wifi speed that you can easily do. 

Reset wifi modem

I also do not understand why or by some miracle or maybe by the power of belief, every time any electronic device has an error, resetting it is like a panacea to bring it back to normal. But from a scientific perspective, resetting the modem will help clear the cache, as well as reset the entire system, thereby significantly improving Wifi speed.

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How to reset Wifi see more here:

Change the location of the wifi transmitter

Placing the Wifi in a hidden corner, blocked by many obstacles also causes the coverage of the Wifi to be significantly reduced unless your Wifi transmitter is extremely strong and has the ability to penetrate walls. For that reason, move the Wifi transmitter to the most central, open position to ensure coverage of your entire space.

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Switching the router's broadcast band

Current routers or even the default router provided by your network provider are capable of operating on 2 to 3 different frequency bands. This allows you to adjust the appropriate frequency band to increase the maximum wifi network speed to suit your needs. Normally, the router will use dual frequency 2.4GHz and 5GHz. If it is on the default 2.4 band, switch to the 5Ghz band and feel the obvious difference.

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Reset security password

Nowadays, it is not difficult to find a software to hack wifi for free. If your wifi password is too simple and easy to guess, it can be quickly cracked by apps like Wifi chua, Wifi Masterkey. and shared with thousands of people. And of course, if your wifi network is receiving too many uninvited guests, the wifi speed will of course slow down significantly. Change your wifi password to something a little more complex. According to network security experts, your password should include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.

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Use repeater - wifi booster

If your space is too large or has many floors, no matter how strong your wifi is, it cannot ensure the best coverage to every corner of the house. In that case, using a repeater to boost wifi signal will help you expand the broadcast range. Currently, there are many good quality wifi extenders at extremely cheap prices, but the efficiency is like you are installing a second wifi transmitter.

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