The 5 best and worst features of Gmail Labs
Here are 5 extremely convenient features that you should try, along with 5 features that you should stay away from the huge library of Gmail Labs .
The best features
1. Google Search integrated
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Source: PCW
Google has just announced a new addition to its already long list of Gmail Labs feature lists: integrated Google Search search engine. Once activated, this feature inserts a Web search box into the corner to the left of your mailbox, allowing you to search for information right after checking your mail without opening a new window.
As soon as it was launched, the integrated Google Search feature proved its usefulness to ordinary Gmail users. Click on the search result and it will open in a new window. Return to your inbox and you will be able to easily insert the resulting link into the email content or chat.
Very few operations that still achieve the goal, users are ready to donate to Google Search to integrate two words "excellent".
2. Gmail is offline
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Source: CNet
Published in January, Gmail Offline allows you to access your mailbox account even when not online. As its name suggests, this feature allows you to do almost anything you normally do, still working on You can even edit and send mail, so Gmail will automatically "post" as soon as you connect to the Internet again.
For anyone who uses a computer, this feature is also very valuable.
3. Preview YouTube / Picasa / Flickr / Yelp
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Source: Blogoscoped
Preview feature of Gmail Labs allows you to preview the content of YouTube, Picasa, Flickr or Yelp pages right in the email. Any links related to these pages will be automatically converted into Gmail by the "full" window.
4. Customizable keyboard shortcuts
Do you hate using a computer mouse? With the AutoHotKey feature of the Windows operating system, you will be able to create some shortcut keys for the most common operations on your computer.
It can be said, Gmail Labs' custom keyboard shortcuts "brought this power directly to the Webmail interface. Although Gmail already has a number of default keyboard shortcuts, the "customizable" bar will allow you to freely swing to your liking.
5. SMS immediately while chatting
The appeal of this feature is easy to see. We all know how big the SMS messaging charges on mobile phones can be, especially when you are fans of SMS again. Now, with this feature, you will be able to send and receive messages right inside your Gmail window, of course without losing any money.
The worst features
1. Mail Goggles
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This is probably one of the least useful features that Gmail Labs has ever introduced to users. Designed to prevent you from sending highly-regretful emails, Mail Goggles will force you to answer some simple operations before pressing the "send" button. However, activating the "PC" application on your PC is not difficult and you can easily overcome this barrier.
2. E-Mail Addict (Email Addiction)
We don't like mail addiction, but the E-Mail Addict feature of Gmail Labs can't help but make you angry. It will freeze your screen within 15 minutes of activating this feature. All you have to do is stand up, breathe and relax. Of course, this idea is quite new and funny, but its practical application is quite limited.
3. Cancel the sending order
This is a " great idea but too weak to deploy " feature. As its name suggests, Gmail Undo Send allows you to recall an email that has just been sent. It sounds useful, but the problem is: you only have 5 seconds to use this feature. Over that time, the Undo Send will be completely useless.
How many times do you realize that you've made a mistake in just 5 seconds? If the duration is longer, "Undo Send" will be a very good feature.
4. Suggest additional recipients
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"Suggestions to add recipients" (Suggest More Recipients) will display a list of addresses that may be, you will want to text each time you send a new email. The suggestions are based on the addresses you contact most often. Unless you like to insert recipients at random, this feature only annoys the screen.
5. Random signature
Random signatures will display a random maxim / quotations at the end of every email you send. Often it will make the content of the letter become extremely long, confused and disturbing the recipient.
You should read it
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