Next is the My Blog section, click on this box. Here, the manufacturer will ask you to put your blog title in the Title box. The user enters a custom name there and switches to Description . The Description box asks you to briefly describe the goal, the matter of interest will be presented on the blog. Then the person who can post comments to your blog is where the user installs, and who will be allowed to write a comment or post a comment on his blog (can choose public, friends of friends, just me or friends)
Next we will go into the process of creating more details for your blog. Blast , located at the top, near your name, is a self-introduction, a small piece of news, a link to a picture you love, an interesting comparison, or just a thought you want to share. Photo is the place where you take pictures of yourself or represent your hobbies . The blog is where you record your daily diary, the issues you care about or want to share. Feed is where you can update the latest information of a website you are interested in, can still read them while surfing your blog. Currently, some news websites such as BBC, CNN, QuanTriMang . have this function for Feeds.
Finally, the blogging process. To write an Entry at 'blog', you need to click Compose Blog Entry . Here, the Entry Title box is the title of the article, photo - the image you want to insert into the article by clicking Browse to find the image and Entry Content , the main content of the article. You can write, compose what you want there and end by clcik to Post This Entry . In addition, there is also a section of Tags with the task of classifying articles such as articles of English (Tense), passive (passive voice) . separated by commas .
So now we have basically completed a complete blog.