'Rescue' for Kaspersky blocked application Picture 1
Protection window
In the Settings window, click the Settings button on the right (in Application Filtering frame).
'Rescue' for Kaspersky blocked application Picture 2
Settings window
In the Rules Settings window, you will see a lot of folders, scroll down to find the folder called Untrusted . Any application that is accidentally locked will be in this folder.
'Rescue' for Kaspersky blocked application Picture 3
Rules Settings window
To unlock the application (as shown in the picture is the IDM program), then click the application and then click on the word ' Move to . ', select Trusted , click OK 2 times to save the setting is complete!
You can do the same to "free" any programs that are accidentally locked by Kaspersky.
Besides, you can also put trusted applications in the Trusted folder so that Kaspersky doesn't stop asking when executing the application. By the Rules Settings window, click the Trusted folder, click the Add word and navigate to the application's .exe file and click Open . Click OK 2 times to complete!