Mr. Trump wants the 6G network to be deployed as soon as possible

President Donald Trump thinks that 6G is what humanity must aim for right now.

5G is probably one of the world's hottest keywords since the last few months of 2018 so far, because the wireless connectivity standard is gradually being implemented in many countries around the world. However, President Donald Trump did not think so, he said that 6G is what humanity must aim to right now.

The 45th President of the United States announced in a tweet this morning that he wanted the 6G network along with 5G to be deployed in the United States 'as soon as possible'. What is the real reason behind Mr. Trump's desire to be somewhat 'wild', but according to many observers it is likely that Fox & Friends mentioned the new Galaxy S10 5G announcement. Samsung told Mr. Trump, and what frustrated the President was Verizon - one of the largest US carriers, still unable to deploy a 5G network infrastructure directly to make Samsung's new smartphone possible. operation with full functionality in the United States. Or it could be because the President's phone received the 5G E update from AT&T, making him think that big US carriers are actually relying on 'cheap' tricks to convince visitors. that they have a faster connection speed.

Mr. Trump wants the 6G network to be deployed as soon as possible Picture 1Mr. Trump wants the 6G network to be deployed as soon as possible Picture 1

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Mr. Trump wrote on his personal Twitter as follows:

'I want 5G, and even 6G, to be deployed in the United States as soon as possible. It is stronger, faster and smarter than current standards. American companies must further strengthen their efforts, or will be left behind. There is no reason why the United States has to lag behind . '

Mr. Trump wants the 6G network to be deployed as soon as possible Picture 2Mr. Trump wants the 6G network to be deployed as soon as possible Picture 2

This tweet partly implies Donald Trump's concerns when he thinks Chinese companies like Huawei and ZTE will take the lead in 5G in particular and Internet connection standards in general if the companies Leading US companies do not soon give themselves appropriate development strategies. There were many reports last year that the US Government even had to consider the 5G service development run by the Government, largely due to concerns that China has achieved a dominant position. in the production and operation of global network infrastructure. This plan was quickly canceled because experts thought 'it was completely unreasonable'.

However, Trump's tweets seem to be contradicting the actual US policy in a rather confusing way. Trump tweeted: 'I want the United States to win through competition, not by strangling more advanced technologies today'. This statement completely contradicts reports that his administration has carefully considered and made specific policies to prevent Chinese companies from launching 5G devices in the United States.

Mr. Trump wants the 6G network to be deployed as soon as possible Picture 3Mr. Trump wants the 6G network to be deployed as soon as possible Picture 3

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'Embellishing' more for the contrasts in Mr. Trump's tweets is his own unimaginable requirement, not only for American companies in developing the 5G network as quickly as possible, but also for Both 6G, a technology that carries in itself the network specifications that do not exist, even at the most basic theoretical level today.

When asked to comment from experts, CTIA (agency for wireless communications industry in the US) said they could not solve Mr. Trump's request on 6G network. Instead, the agency's representative believes that 'with a more sound management strategy, as well as support from the people and the Government, the US wireless industry can absolutely bring the end. 5G network is more powerful for the community '.

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