Learn about Intel Platform Administration Technology - IPAT part 2

We have introduced you to some of the basic features of Intel's remote system management technology - the Intel Platform Administration Technology or IPAT. Next is the necessary operations to build a complete system based on this IPAT platform.

TipsMake.com - In the previous article , we introduced you to some of the basic features of Intel's remote system management technology - the Intel Platform Administration Technology or IPAT . And this time, we will continue with the necessary operations to build a complete system based on this IPAT platform.

The next job needs to be done as follows:

3. Configure server:

Including 2 steps:

1. The process of transferring data to the server and configuring the root directory.

2. Feature to automatically accept new client machines.

4. Setting up Golden Machine:

This is the most multi-step process:

1. Activate the Enable Intel® Platform Administrator Agent feature

2. Install the required operating system and applications into this Golden Machine .

3. Install and activate Intel® Platform Administrator Client

4. Select Golden Machine on the server

5. Create an image file on this Golden Machine

6. Activate the Intel® Platform Administrator Agent feature on the client

7. Deploy image file on client machine

8. Check the deployment process from the server

5. Update the software system and patch on the server:

Initially, you install new software on the Golden Machine , then create additional software packages, then, apply, deploy the package on the client.

The whole process is summarized in the video tutorial below:

Good luck!

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