Japan's artificial intelligence has created ultra-realistic virtual fashion models

AI of the Kyoto-based DataGrid company has been able to create complete human bodies from the images provided.

We have seen AI can create realistic images of human faces, vehicles, houses and animals. But recently, the AI ​​of Kyoto-based DataGrid has been able to create complete human bodies from the images provided.

Specifically, the DataGrid's neural network has created the models you are seeing in the image below from the most basic details.

Japan's artificial intelligence has created ultra-realistic virtual fashion models Picture 1Japan's artificial intelligence has created ultra-realistic virtual fashion models Picture 1
The AI ​​creates super-realistic virtual models from head to toe.

DataGrid said, its AI technology can create virtual models to serve ads and display clothing in fashion stores. This helps for fashion brands and online stores to incur advertising costs, product introduction.

DataGrid also announced a product demo video in which models are not flesh and blood people.

Previously, DataGrid used to develop an AI capable of using what is called "adversity networks" (GANs) to create many popular emulation images in Japan. If provided with a large amount of data, GANs can learn to create content similar to what it "sees".

Obviously since its development (2014) so ​​far, GANs has made significant progress.

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