Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store

Once you have subscribed to the app with the package you choose, you can change the app subscription package on the App Store, switch to a higher premium package, or downgrade the app subscription package.

Apps and games registered on the App Store have many different packages for users to choose from such as basic, professional or premium packages. After you have registered the application with the package you choose, you can change the application subscription package on the App Store, switch to a more advanced package or downgrade the application subscription package, depending on your needs. Below are instructions for redeeming your app subscription on the App Store.

How to redeem your app subscription on the iPhone App Store

Step 1:

At the interface on iPhone, click Settings and then select your Apple ID account . Displaying the new interface, click on Subscriptions to see the application packages you have registered.

Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 1Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 1

Step 2:

In the list of registered applications on the App Store, click on the application package you want to change the registration type. Continue to click See All Plans to see the entire subscription package of this application.

Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 2Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 2

Step 3:

You'll see all the plans this app or service offers. The currently registered package is marked in green, next to other packages. Click on the other application package you want to subscribe to , then select Subscribe .

Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 3Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 3

How to redeem app subscriptions on Mac

Step 1:

We open the App Store on Mac and then select Account Settings at the top of the interface.

Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 4Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 4

Step 2:

Enter your account password if requested. Then, we click on Manage at Subscriptions.

Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 5Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 5

Step 3:

You will now see all your app and service subscriptions. Click on the application you want to change the subscription package again.

Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 6Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 6

Step 4:

At this time, click on See All Plans and then select a new subscription package for the application.

Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 7Instructions for changing application subscription packages on the App Store Picture 7

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