Instagram updates display photos of friends in the discovery frame

Instagram brings a new update to help the section Explore more personalized, not only showing images of celebrities. Users can see photos of friends and followers at this frame.

Instagram brings new updates to the more personalized "Explore" section, which not only displays images of celebrities. Users can see photos of friends and followers at this frame.

The company said: "We are always looking to update and respond to the articles you see best in Explore. Instagram will give you a list of photos and videos that your friends are interested in. , as well as the trend of content emerging on this social network ".

Instagram updates display photos of friends in the discovery frame Picture 1Instagram updates display photos of friends in the discovery frame Picture 1

Instagram collects two Popular and Explore items together in mid-2012, adding features that allow users to search and hashtag. However, the main interface of Explore is still full of images and videos that receive a high amount of interaction from celebrities and users with a large fan base. The selected images are often very beautiful, but it is not entirely appropriate and the personalization is not high.

With the new upgrade for Explore, if users regularly follow Instagram of artists or photography, most likely you will see pictures with themes about art and photography in the above frame.

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