Incognito mode in the browser is not as safe as you think
Nobody wants their personal information rampant online, it's true. Even if you are planning to buy an item as a gift or your browsing history, there are always reasons to keep their dogs secret.
There are several ways that can help you, depending on who you want to keep that secret from. However, there is the fact that the incognito mode on the browser can keep browsing information from people who use the same computer. But this mode does not keep your information safe from Internet service providers and the website you visit.
How does incognito mode work?
Safari , Chrome , Firefox , Opera and IE all have anonymous browsing mode and keep your browsing history from being saved. However, the browser still logs the log every time you browse the web as well as the information you have searched for during use. And so, if you find a fitting and eye-catching shirt on the web that you can't remember the website that sells it, the browser will record information that will help you find it easily.
The browser also keeps cookies from the website. They are small packets that store information that helps the browser learn your browsing habits. Whenever you visit a website that you have previously logged in, the browser will remember the page you opened last visit or display the ads that it deems appropriate for you, that's how it works. cookies.
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When you use incognito mode, the browser will not record any website you are visiting nor record cookies. So, if you go to 'something ' websites, your browsing history will be empty so no one will share your computer with you knowing which website you have visited.
However, there are a few security vulnerabilities that can cause leakage of information back to your browser. In 2010, professors at Stanford found such a security hole in Firefox. Normally Firefox will not record history in incognito mode, but it will still record which sites have SSL settings ( enable data encryption to use HTTPS protocol ) and allow some specific permissions. Thus, if you download SSL certificate from a website or manually stop advertising pop-ups and download cookies, they will be recorded by the browser.
In addition, if you operate Google-related tasks on Chrome, the browsing information is also recorded and means ending the anonymity you are looking for. Incognito mode only helps users to hide user activities for other users on the same computer and there are many other ways to exploit this information. If you are looking for a way to keep your information safe, the browser will often not meet your needs.
Weaknesses of incognito mode
Even if hidden web browsing does not record the website you visit, your IP address gives a lot of information. They tell you where you are, who you are, or what network you are connected to. Any device needs an IP address to access the Internet, whenever you use any service on the Internet, your IP address is always included.
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And because of that, anyone with the ability to monitor incoming and outgoing IP addresses can find out where you are and who your recipient is. That is also the basic principle of the NSA data collection program. They gather information and IP to trace the terrorist network.
The browser's incognito mode may hide your browsing history but it cannot hide your IP. The network service providers, law enforcement forces or any website you visit can access that information. On the other hand any file is downloaded, any bookmarks marked in the anonymous session are recorded in your computer. Those files exist in the hard drive and it will take you a long time to completely remove the trace from your hard drive.
It is impossible to avoid using IP when you use the Internet, but there is a way to hide it.
How to really anonymize?
Tor , formerly known as The Onion Router , is a special network that allows users to surf the web anonymously by routing traffic through a computer chain before actually connecting to the endpoint. . With this way of operation, the only person who really knows the starting point and end point of connection is you.
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No system is perfect and of course there will still be some holes that the government or uninvited guests can exploit. Tor was born around 2005, it is a very good and widely used anonymous method, it has been almost a decade now.
Another tool is also good for anonymous users, the DuckDuckGo search engine . DuckDuckGo does not store personal information, does not send it to any website you visit. While the website still recognizes your IP, DuckDuckG o will not send the search keyword you used. DuckDuckGo also blocks third party cookies, setting up a filter built from the information of previous web browsing, securing your information.
You should read it
- How to Enable Incognito Mode
- Chrome's incognito mode is not as discreet as you think
- Google Maps adds Incognito Mode to the incognito mode
- Secrets behind Google Incognito mode (Incognito)
- How to turn on incognito mode on Google Maps
- How to open Incognito (Incognito) automatically on Chrome, Coc Coc, Firefox
- Distinguish guest mode and incognito mode on Chrome
- 5 ways to open Microsoft Edge browser in incognito mode
- How to enable anonymous video viewing on YouTube
- Guide to anonymous web on Android phones
- How to Activate Incognito Mode
- How to use Incognito Tab on iPhone - Open Incognito Tab on iPhone