How to type 10 fingers professionally like office workers

Typing with 10 fingers helps speed up text editing as well as shorten working time. However, to type 10 fingers proficiently, you need to go through a practice process. If you do not know how to type with 10 fingers, please see the article below by HACOM.

Typing with 10 fingers is a great advantage for those who work in the office, when they often have to edit documents on the computer. Knowing how to type with 10 fingers will help work faster and show more professionalism in the working process. So how to know how to type with 10 fingers? Let's find out in the article below!

How to place your hands properly on a computer keyboard

To type with 10 fingers on the keyboard, you must first know how to place your hands on the keyboard. With 10 fingers, we will divide our fingers evenly on the keyboards such as:

With the left hand : little finger ( key A ), ring finger ( key S ), middle finger ( key D ), index finger ( key F ).

With the right hand : little finger  (key: ), ring finger ( key L ), middle finger ( key K ), index finger ( key J ).

The remaining two thumbs we will place on the Space key. And the task of these two thumbs is just to take turns typing on this keyboard.

How to type 10 fingers professionally like office workers Picture 1How to type 10 fingers professionally like office workers Picture 1

10-finger typing on computer

How to type with 10 fingers

With left hand

  1. With your index finger, you will control the keys: R, F, V, 4, T, G, B, 5.
  2. With your middle finger, you control the keys: E, D, C, 3.
  3. With your ring finger, you control the keys: W, S, X, 2.
  4. As for the little finger, you use it to press the keys: Q, A, Z, 1, ' and function keys such as Tab, Caps lock, Shift.

For the right hand:

  1. Index finger controls keys:  H, Y, N, 6, 7, U, J, M.
  2. Middle fingers:  8, I, K, <.
  3. Ring finger:  9, O, L, >.
  4. And pinky:  0, P, :, ?, ", [, ], -, +, , Enter, Backspace.

Video tutorial on how to type with 10 fingers, watch here:

Pay attention to your sitting posture when typing.

Another important thing that helps you  type quickly with 10 fingers  is your sitting posture. Many people have very bad habits such as sitting sideways, leaning on the chair, sitting crookedly or sitting too high or too low.

How to type 10 fingers professionally like office workers Picture 2How to type 10 fingers professionally like office workers Picture 2

This affects your typing quite a lot. So what is the most standard, comfortable and unconstrained sitting position? You can learn how to sit as follows:

  1. Sit with your back straight and face the computer.
  2. Elbow bent at right angle
  3. Keep a distance of 45 to 75 cm from the computer screen.
  4. The wrist touches the edge of the computer right in front of the keyboard.
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