How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library

When you buy books on Amazon, your Kindle device automatically adds those new titles to your Library by default.

However, sometimes, there are some problems that prevent the books that you have recently purchased from being displayed immediately in the library and make you feel anxious because you do not know if you have purchased the book or not.

In such a situation, you can consider some of the 'fix' options below, before considering contacting Amazon support.

1. Make sure your Kindle is connected to WiFi or a cellular network

When your Kindle device is connected to a Wi-Fi network, you'll see a small Wi-Fi mast icon in the top right corner of the screen. For Kindles that support a cellular network connection, you'll see a 3G or 4G icon, depending on the connection standard you're using.

How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 1How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 1

If you don't see the icons above, or you even see an airplane icon, your Kindle device isn't currently connected to the Internet.

How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 2How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 2

If you see an airplane icon, your Kindle is in Airplane mode. Tap the arrow button at the top of the screen to open the menu.

How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 3How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 3

Here, click on the airplane icon to turn off Airplane mode. This will allow your Kindle to connect to a Wi-Fi network or use cellular data.

How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 4How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 4

Alternatively, you can also tap the arrow button at the top of the screen to open the system menu, then tap 'All Settings' to open the Settings menu.

How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 5How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 5

Next, tap on 'Wi-Fi & Bluetooth', then click on 'Wi-Fi Networks' to see a list of all available Wi-Fi networks.

How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 6How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 6

2. Kindle Sync

From the home screen, tap the arrow button at the top of the screen to open the system menu.

How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 7How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 7

Next, tap on 'Sync'. This will force your Kindle to 'check in' with Amazon's servers.

How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 8How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 8

Next, tap on 'Library'.

How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 9How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 9

Then click 'All'.

How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 10How to set up Kindle to update new books purchased in the library Picture 10

This will show you all the Kindle books in your Amazon account, not just the ones you've downloaded to your Kindle. Books that you recently purchased will show up first.

Tap the book you want to read. If not already on your device, it will download immediately.

3. Some other treatment options

If you've tried the options above without success, try some of these additional measures:

  1. Restart Kindle.
  2. Update your Kindle to the latest software version.
  3. Check your Amazon orders to see if the sale was successful.
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