How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender

The Great Suspender is a utility that allows us to open multiple tabs on Google Chrome without worrying about stuttering or lagging. The tabs you do not need to use will be switched to hibernation and divide the memory capacity of these tabs to the currently used tabs.

Along with other web browsers, Google Chrome is currently the browser of choice for many people. However, the fact that users face is that Chrome consumes a lot of RAM. For low-profile computers, it is not uncommon for computers to keep running slowly and slowly when opening multiple tabs on Chrome. And The Great Suspender utility will help us solve RAM consumption, freeze up Chrome when you open multiple tabs.

The mechanism of The Great Suspender is to put inactive tabs on Chrome into hibernation. It will then divide the memory capacity of these pages into active tabs. Thus, we can still open multiple tabs at the same time without worrying about the device being consumed, causing a slow sluggish access. Besides, The Great Suspender also has a number of other useful features that will be guided by the Network Administrator in the article using the Great Suspender below.

How to surf the web in Chrome with The Great Suspender

First of all, we need to download The Great Suspender utility on Chrome following the link below.

  1. Download The Great Suspender utility

Step 1:

When clicking on the above link, we click on the Add to Chrome button to install The Great Suspender on Chrome browser.

How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 1How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 1

Step 2:

Next, click Add utility to install The Great Suspender.

How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 2How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 2

Once successfully installed, we will see the icon of The Great Suspender utility at the end of the browser access bar.

How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 3How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 3

Step 3:

To put a site that does not need to be used in hibernation , simply click on the icon of The Great Suspender on the browser, then select Suspend this tab - Pause this tab .

How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 4How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 4

Step 4:

For example, I will stop running the website. Shortly after, the website's interface will turn green and no posts will appear.

If you want to reload the page , just click on the tab Suspended Click ro reload . Or click the icon of The Great Suspender on the interface and select Unsuspend . So the website will work again.

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Step 5:

Also with an active page, when we click on the icon of The Great Suspender, there are many options, including:

  1. Tab will be suspended automatically : set a certain time period for the tab to automatically stop working when not in use.
  2. Don't suspend for now : Do not stop the active tab.
  3. Never suspend this site : Never stop running this tab.
  4. Suspend other tabs : Stopped working with all tabs open in the browser.
  5. Unsuspend all tab : Reload the stop pages.
  6. Settings : Settings of The Great Suspender utility.

How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 6How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 6

Step 6:

When we click on the Settings item, there are many more advanced options.

In the General Settings section, there are settings when we want to pause tabs on the browser:

  1. Automatically suspend tabs after : Automatically stop tabs from running after set time, at least 20s and up to 3 days.
  2. Do not suspend pinned tabs : Do not stop pinning tabs
  3. Không thể thoát được thẻ mà chứa unsaved type input : Do not put the tab entering data to hibernate.
  4. Only auto-suspend if connedted to the internet : Automatically hibernate when connecting to the Internet
  5. Only auto-suspend if running on battery : Automatically stops working when using the device battery.
  6. Automatically unsuspend when tab gains focus : Automatically quit hibernation when performing operations on tabs.
  7. Add The Great Suspender to righ-click context menu : Add The Great Suspender to the right-click menu

If we want to use which option, just tick that option to start it.

How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 7How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 7

With Whitelist , users can put websites that never want to pause and are always ready to operate at any time.

Note , web pages are separated by commas as shown below. Finally click Save Settings to save these settings.

How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 8How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 8

Step 7:

Next, when we click on the Keyboard shortcuts section, you will see a list of the shortcut options that have been set. To adjust or add a shortcut, click Remap keys .

How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 9How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 9

Step 8:

We will be taken to the Shortcut interface for utilities and applications . Here, you click on that option and then press the shortcut key.

For example, I will set a shortcut for the option of Suspend all tabs in active windows as Ctrl + Shift + I. Click OK below to save.

How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 10How to prevent RAM for Google Chrome with The Great Suspender Picture 10

So, we showed you how to use the Great Suspender utility, manage tabs on Chrome and limit RAM consumption when surfing the web. From now on, you can freely open multiple tabs on Chrome without worrying about stalling and accessing problems.

Refer to the following articles:

  1. How does Google Chrome run faster?
  1. Fix the abrupt Flash Player error on Google Chrome
  1. Tips for Google Chrome users should know

I wish you all success!

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