Distinguish - The difference between Mbps and MBps

Distinguish - The difference between Mbps and MBps. When you download or copy something, you will see parameters such as: Mb / s, MB / s ... These are very common parameters used on computers but few people care and understand. get out of its meaning. Probably h

When you download or copy something, you will see parameters such as: Mb / s, MB / s . These are very common parameters used on computers but few people care and understand. get out of its meaning. Surely these parameters you are familiar with when you see what the network speed is, what the speed of data transfer is, or the technicians of the network consulting package . But these parameters too similar, very easy to confuse. So, today Thuthuattinhoc will help you understand what is Mbps and how to calculate Mbps to Mb / s.

Distinguish - The difference between Mbps and MBps Picture 1Distinguish - The difference between Mbps and MBps Picture 1

1. What are those Mbps, MBps, MB / s and Mb / s, how are they different?

Right from the reading name, you can immediately recognize that they are only different from the letters b (lowercase) and B (uppercase). But these small differences are two completely different concepts.

Usually when testing the network speed, usually use the unit is Mbps (Mb / s). When you download, for example, CocCoc, GoogleChrome, Cloud . for example, it will use units as MBps (MB / s) or KBps (KB / s).

Distinguish - The difference between Mbps and MBps Picture 2Distinguish - The difference between Mbps and MBps Picture 2

2. Compare MB with Mb and Mbps with MBps

  1. 1 MB: Meaning 1 Megabyte
  2. 1 Mb: Meaning 1 Megabit
  3. 1 MBps: Means Megabyte per second (aka 1 Megabyte per second)
  4. 1 Mbps: Meaning Megabit per second (aka 1 Megabit per second)

And Megabyte and Megabit are completely different.

  1. 1 MB = 1024 KB (kilobite) = 2 ^ 10 KB
  2. 1Mb = 1024 B (bytes) = 2 ^ 10 B

We have 1 Byte = 8 bits or 1MB is equal to 8Mb.

=> 1 MBps = 1024 Kilobytes / s = 1024 * 1024 Bytes / s = 1024 * 1024 * 8 bits / s = 2 ^ 10 * 2 ^ 10 * 8 Bit.

Distinguish - The difference between Mbps and MBps Picture 3Distinguish - The difference between Mbps and MBps Picture 3

Tips:  Based on the download speed of IDM software, we can calculate the network package that you are using. For example, when you download using IDM, the download speed of 4 MB means that you are using a 4 x 8 = 32 Mbps network packet.

On the contrary, if you know how much you are using the network service pack, you can also calculate the maximum download speed. For example, my home is using a 16 Mb network packet => the maximum speed you can download is 16 Mb / 8 = 2 MB / s.

That is all about MB / s, Mb / s and MBps / Mbps, through this article, you can partly understand their nature. And can calculate the download speed, copy data to see if it suits your work needs or not.

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