promptToSavePassword in nsLoginManagerPrompter.js file
_showSaveLoginNotification in nsLoginManagerPrompter.js file
addLogin in nsLoginManager.js file
And to learn more about the process, close Firefox, open nsLoginManagerPrompter.js file with NotePad (or any Text editor) in the C: Program FilesMozilla Firefoxcomponents folder . Replace the code from lines 642 to 711 as follows:
var pwmgr = this._pwmgr;
pwmgr.addLogin (aLogin);
From this point on, whenever you log in to any website, Firefox will automatically save the relevant information such as username and password without displaying the message as before. However, you can still use the Password management function via the Tools> Options> Security> Saved Passwords menu. But be aware that this method should only be applied to Firefox 3.x browsers and earlier versions. Good luck!