Create a method to accurately determine the age of the cell

A new method developed by Johns Hopkins University can pinpoint cell age rather than current traditional methods.

A new method developed by Johns Hopkins University can pinpoint cell age rather than current traditional methods.

This method uses a range of cellular and molecular factors in a comprehensive aging study and uses the physiological properties of cells to create more accurate methods of determining age, function compared to other factors such as cell production and energy .

Specifically, researchers from Johns Hopkins University, Yale University and the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health have created a system through computational analysis to measure cell function factors. and molecules to determine the biological age of human cells more accurately.

Create a method to accurately determine the age of the cell Picture 1Create a method to accurately determine the age of the cell Picture 1

Jude M. Phillip, now a doctoral student at the Weill Cornell Medicine Institute and the lead author of the study, said: "We have combined some classical molecular markers of aging and understanding. more about the role of physiological properties of aging cells ".

Previous research focused on factors such as tissue function and organism, studies on the molecular level of genetics and changes in epigenetic genetics, but ignored the fertility levels. study between cells.

To find out this method, the team examined skin cells beneath the skin surface of both men and women between the ages of 2 and 96.

The study, published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering, shows that the experiment allows researchers to stratify an individual's cell sample into three groups, and show that the physiological factors of a cell are one meter. Accurate measurement of cellular aging process than molecular biological factors.

Phillip said: "This sign is not only a predictor of biological age but also more promising in the assessment of individual cell health ."

This method could allow clinicians to see aging in cells before the patient experiences age-related body decline and could allow doctors to prescribe treatments. or lifestyle changes to solve aging in cells.

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