Computer protection program

Viruses, trojans, worms and many other malicious software are continuously pouring on the desktop. But Grisoft has provided VARs and their customers with safety protection umbrellas.

Viruses, trojans, worms and many other malicious software are continuously pouring on the desktop. But Grisoft has provided VARs and their customers with safety protection umbrellas.

New York-based Miblurn has just released its latest security software AVG Internet Security Suite 7.5. AVG Internet Security Suite 7.5 integrates both antivirus, antispyware, spam removal and firewall software, creating a very secure shield for your computer.

The form of security program sets plays an increasingly important role in sophisticated, generalized threats and attacks. What else but the concepts behind malware? The destructive nature of viruses, trojans and worms is growing. Previously their purpose was just like criminals throwing stones on rails and bragging about their rogue achievements. But now the destructive nature has changed completely. Malware becomes the way to steal information, fraud, fraud, and the key to success is sneaky nature. Never been found, never caught - that is the thief's dream, even with the @ thief.

Computer protection program Picture 1Computer protection program Picture 1 Grisoft effectively addressed the changes needed in data protection with the newly released AVG Internet Security Suite 7.5 last week. Although the idea of ​​omnidirectional protection is not new, Grisoft has enhanced its capabilities with a concise unified interface, demonstrating all the main tasks in a single management screen. Users no longer have to worry about the status and management of individual security products. They can see how the software works. The unified management program means simplified product update. Now all signs and program update functions automatically appear in all components of the security package.

CRN Test Center has installed AVG Internet Security Suite 7.5 on two different Windows XP systems to test (the first system has spyware). The product is installed from a single executable file downloaded from the Grisoft website or from a CD. Download files are often updated with the latest patches and changes, which is a better choice than CDs.

During the installation process, the program will check for quick compatibility and provide some installation options. You will need the product license code to continue. Then run the Firewall Setup Wizard, automatically scan your hard drive, check Internet-compatible applications and use that information to build a list of authorized Internet applications and disallow it. This is necessary for a real-time protection program when building safe access rules.

At the installation section you also need to pay much attention to the firewall settings. The default program for virtual private network block and file sharing mode. If necessary, you can change this option. All is done with simple mouse clicks.

Installation is complete and you need to restart the computer.

The entire software management program is unified. But there are also some separate interrupt settings, using more advanced advanced management for security suite specific applications. For example, users can quickly add exceptions or disable website access. Virus and spyware scanners can be scheduled at different times. You can also adjust many other aspects of the product yourself. But for most users, the default mode is best suited.

The security fix function in AVG Internet Security Suite 7.5 allows you to quickly scan personal issues or personal users. An encyclopedia of integrated viruses inside the security suite provides traditional information about malware, helping administrators understand the potential risks that may arise from them.

This protection software also has e-mail scanning applications, antispam is also expected. The antispam function checks spam and gathers these junk e-mails together. The scanner will look inside the e-mail to check for malware or phishing schemes.

Grisoft also provides a program that comes with this product set. The second program has many higher exceptions, greater value. Authorized branches are where most VARs find their support channels. The company also offers competitive prices for end users and requires no minimum requirements.

The original discount promotion helps AVG Internet Security Suite 7.5 more attractive to small VAR users. The company also has an impressive discount promotion plan later to attract high-level VARs along with promotions for governments, churches, schools and charitable funds.

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