2. 3DO - 3DORBIT: Rotate objects in 3D
3. 3F - 3DFACE: Create 3D faces
4. 3P - 3DPOLY: Draw 3-dimensional PLine lines
5. A - ARC: Round arc
6. AA - AREA: Calculate area and circumference 1
7. AL - ALIGN: Move, rotate, scale
8. AR - ARRAY: Copying objects into ranges in 2D
9. ATT - ATTDEF: Definition of attributes
10. ATE - ATTEDIT: Edit Block's properties
11. B - BLOCK: Create Block
12. BO - BOUNDARY: Create a closed polyline
13. BR - BREAK: Trim part of a line between two selected points
14. C - CIRCLE: Draw a circle
15. CH - PROPERTIES: Correct the properties of the object
16. FATHER - ChaMFER: Beveled edges
17. CO, CP - COPY: Copy objects
18. D - DIMSTYLE: Style size
19. DAL - DIMALIGNED: Record oblique size
20. DAN - DIMANGULAR: Record angle size
21. DBA - DIMBASELINE: Write parallel dimensions
22. DCO - DIMCONTINUE: Write the serial size
23. DDI - DIMDIAMETER: Record the size of the diameter
24. DED - DIMEDIT: Editing size
25. DI - DIST: Measure the distance and angle between 2 points
26. DIV - DIVIDE: Divide the object into equal parts
27. DLI - DIMLINEAR: Record vertical or horizontal size
28. DO - DONUT: Draw a scarf
29. DOR - DIMORDINATE: Point coordinates
30. DRA - DIMRADIU: Record the size of the radius
31. DT - DTEXT: Writing text
32. E - ERASE: Delete the object
33. ED - DDEDIT: Adjust the size
34. EL - ELLIPSE: Elliptical drawing
35. EX - EXTEND: Extend the object
36. EXIT - QUIT: Exit the program
37. EXT - EXTRUDE: Create blocks from 2D shapes F
38. F - FILLET: Create rounded corners / Bo corners
39. FILTER: FILTER: Select filter objects by attribute
40. H - BHATCH: Draw the section
41. H - HATCH: Draw the section
42. HE - HATCHEDIT: Adjusting the section
43. HI - HIDE: Recreate 3D models with hidden lines
44. I - INSERT: Insert block
45. I - INSERT: Block editing is inserted
46. IN - INTERSECT: Create the intersection of 2 objects
47. L - LINE: Draw a straight line
48. LA - LAYER: Create classes and attributes
49. LA - LAYER: Edit the properties of the layer
50. LE - LEADER: Create a comment path
51. LEN - LENGTHEN: Stretch / shorten the object with a given length
52. LW - LWEIGHT: Declare or change the thickness of the brush
53. LO - LAYOUT: Create layout
54. LT - LINETYPE: Displays the dialog box for creating and defining line types
55. LTS - LTSCALE: Set the aspect ratio
56. M - MOVE: Move the selected object
57. MA - MATCHPROP: Copy properties from one object to 1 or more objects
58. MI - MIRROR: Take symmetry around one axis
59. ML - MLINE: Creating parallel lines
60. MO - PROPERTIES: Edit properties
61. MS - MSPACE: Switch from paper space to model space
62. MT - MTEXT: Create a paragraph of text
63. MV - MVIEW: Create dynamic windows
64. O - OFFSET: Copy parallel
65. P - PAN: Move the drawing
66. P - PAN: Move the drawing from point 1 to point 2
67. PE - PEDIT: Editing multiple routes
68. PL - PLINE: Drawing multi-line
69. PO - POINT: Draw points
70. POL - POLYGON: Drawing polygons is closed
71. PS - PSPACE: Switching from model space to paper space
72. R - REDRAW: Refresh the screen
73. REC - RECTANGLE: Draw a rectangle
74. REG - REGION: Create domain
75. REV - REVOLVE: Create 3D rotating circle
76. RO - ROTATE: Rotate selected objects around 1 point
77. RR - RENDER: Displays materials, bonsai, lights, . objects
78. S - StrETCH: Stretching / shortening / collection of objects
79. SC - SCALE: Zoom in, zoom out in proportion
80. SHA - SHADE: Shading 3D objects
81. SL - SLICE: Cutting 3D blocks
82. SO - SOLID: Create multipaths that can be filled
83. SPL - SPLINE: Draw any curve
84. SPE - SPLINEDIT: Edit spline
85. ST - STYLE: Create writing styles
86. SU - SUBTRACT: Block subtraction
87. T - MTEXT: Create a paragraph of text
88. TH - THICKNESS: Create thickness for objects
89. TOR - TORUS: Drawing Torus
90. TR - TRIM: Cropping objects
91. UN - UNITS: Define drawing units
92. UNI - UNION: Addition of blocks
93. VP - DDVPOINT: Establish a 3-way view
94. WE WEDGE: Draw wedge / wedge shapes
95. X - EXPLODE: Object decomposition
96. XR - XREF: External reference to drawing files
97. Z - ZOOM: Zoom in, Zoom out
Go to the Tool menu and select Customize Edit program parameters (here you will see the shortcut list).
Example: COPY command: CO / CP command now wants to change another word: OC / PC for example (note that it cannot coincide with the existing command), find the COPY command line in the list of CO / CP delete instead OP / PC then Save at Command command: type REINIT SELECT pgp FILE OK
Now you type OC / PC as the copy command.