Chrome and Firefox will support the new standard to login without a password

One more step towards the cyber world without online fraud.

The W3C and FIDO Alliance have said that browsers are building a new login method.

WebAuthn, the new open standard is now supported on the latest version of Firefox and will appear in upcoming versions of Chrome and Edge in the next few months.

WebAuthn has been trying for nearly 2 years to receive the approval of W3C and today marked the official statement. Apple does not mention whether Safari supports WebAuthn, although they also joined the new standard development team.

This statement is the latest step after years of efforts to remove users from traditional password methods, towards safer login methods such as biometrics or USB. These methods have been used on many great services like Google or Facebook, where you can use Yubikey according to FIDO standards.

Chrome and Firefox will support the new standard to login without a password Picture 1Chrome and Firefox will support the new standard to login without a password Picture 1
New login method is safer

With WebAuthn, smaller services can also be applied, whether to do the second authentication or replace the password completely. As open source for the new standard appears more, developers can use more, from which more and more ways to log in without passwords appear on the web.

'Previously, only big companies like Google, Microsoft or Facebook supported tokens on their own products,' said Selena Deckelmann of Firefox. 'With WebAuthn, you can use popular libraries available'.

The FIDO standard builds on the algorithm of not disclosing information (zero-knowledge proof) so no string of characters is guaranteed to access the account, so it is harder to counterfeit the attack. This login is very useful for businesses or those who are interested in security, though it is still rare even if many services are available. And as more and more services support this type of secure login, the number of FIDO users will increase.

'This goes from using a password to using a device, entering the world with no scammers online,' Deckelmann said. 'We have not yet arrived but it is a bright future, the path we want. go'.

See more:

  1. 3 golden rules to avoid fake attacks
  2. Why shouldn't SMS be used to authenticate two factors and what are alternatives?
  3. Instructions for logging in to a Windows computer screen without a keyboard
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