Apple does not sell user information!

A study of security scale has shown that Apple's iOS operating system contains underground tools, allowing governments and other organizations to gather information from iPhone, iPad and iPod devices without for known users.

A study of security scale has shown that Apple's iOS operating system contains underground tools, allowing governments and other organizations to gather information from iPhone, iPad and iPod devices without for known users.

Not long after, Apple made an official comment on this issue. Not surprisingly, the company denies allegations of the existence of backdoor bugs in its products, while emphasizing the security and privacy features in iOS.

Apple does not sell user information! Picture 1Apple does not sell user information! Picture 1

In an email to journalist Tim Bradshaw of the Financial Times , Apple said: " We designed iOS so that diagnostic features do not compromise the safety and privacy of users, but still provide enough. information for the IT department, programmers and Apple to answer technical issues A user must unlock the device and agree to trust another computer to have it You have to agree to share this information and the data is never sent without their consent . "

" As we said earlier, Apple has never worked with any government agency to create backdoors in any of our products or services ," the company concluded.

With iOS 8 and Yosemite , Apple is focusing more on privacy and security. This strategy is said to be different from what its competitors are doing, especially considering the app's data sharing policy as well as third-party applications.

However, expert researcher Jonathan Zdziarski revealed that there are many ways for knowledgeable people about iOS to install malicious applications silently, then use them to collect personal information. Even the amount of information that can be obtained in this way is more than what Apple can provide to security agencies when requested.

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