WhatsApp will not sell user information
As a messaging service, WhatsApp has to put security first, while Facebook parent company is too famous for advertising activities (collecting and sharing user information). This caused a small concern for hundreds of millions of WhatsApp users.
CEO Jan Kuom of WhatsApp
In a statement released on Monday, CEO Jan Kuom of WhatsApp once again denied privacy concerns on WhatsApp. The CEO said that when he got back to Facebook, WhatsApp would not loosen his security rules.
After being bought by Facebook, a major advertising company for $ 19 billion , WhatsApp will not change its direction. "Our DNA contains respect for your privacy. We collect as little information about you as possible. You don't need to give your name to us and we don't ask you. Only your email , " Kuom affirmed.
Unlike Facebook, WhatsApp also " does not know the date of birth, home address, workplace, what you like, what you search on the Internet and your GPS information ". WhatsApp claims to never collect and share this data - as opposed to Facebook, which is often accused of collecting and sharing user information to create more compelling ads.
CEO Jan Kuom's announcement comes as WhatsApp prepares to launch a voice call feature in the second quarter of this year.