Apple developed Safari 3D browser
3D application on Safari web browser allows users to use bookmarks, emails, documents and other applications on 3D technology.
Apple developed Safari 3D browser Picture 1
Safari web browser. (Photo: FrSoft).
According to PCWorld, this license was granted to Apple last weekend. Accordingly, Safari browser can be developed in 3D, allowing users to use bookmarks, emails, documents and other applications on 3D display technology.
This technology allows users to group newly opened windows, then show on the same cluster and perform on the 3D environment of the desktop.
Apple developed Safari 3D browser Picture 2
Description in Apple's new patent.(Photo: PCWorld).
"The windows of the website being visited displayed on 2D platforms can be organized into one or more 3D browser clusters," Apple patents describe, "When a user selects a browser window. Any window that appears will pop up in the front, while other windows will be displayed simultaneously on the surrounding sides.When selecting a window, the 3D desktop will recover in The old 2D format. "
Each 3D cluster will act like a separate application, with functions such as email, web browsing windows, or document clusters being processed .
However, Apple is not a pioneer in developing 3D technology on their browsers. Earlier, Google also added 3D graphics capabilities for Chrome browser since 2011.
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