These 15 tips will help you to heal 'delay' very simply

15 effective tips for treating procrastination, delirium and procrastination.

About the author : The article is translated from sharing by author Jane Dizon posted on Lifehack website .

You should have planned to do something other than reading this article. However, because of something "mysterious" unknown, you decided to hesitate a bit. You deserve a compliment for choosing the right place to help you change. However, I also want to emphasize that this action is enough to realize that you are easy to postpone. And perhaps more correctly, you have not established a real priority job.

Delay (hesitating or hesitating are other ways of calling) is not a disease. It is just a thought that you attach to thinking but it can change. However, before starting to apply the following "cure" ways, I also want to remind some things.

  1. Firstly, you need to admit to being an unhealthy habit .Not only are you prioritizing important things, but also basically nothing is being accomplished.
  2. Second, your commitment to change is important .You should identify this bad habit in both emotion, spirit and action.If not, then you will be tempted to do things other than your main task or job.

Do you accept the deal? If you agree, let's explore 15 ways to improve productivity and put an end to the following work delay.

These 15 tips will help you to heal 'delay' very simply Picture 1These 15 tips will help you to heal 'delay' very simply Picture 1

1. Try the method (10 + 2) * 5

Let's start with a very familiar but very effective tip called (10 + 2) * 5 created by Merlin Mann - author of . Don't worry, this is not a mathematical expression you need to find the answer. (10 + 2) * 5 simply means: 10 minutes of work + 2 minutes of rest, all multiplied by 5 , completed the work in 1 hour . This tip is very important in forcing you to work for a limited time, not to skip and break the schedule. After a period of application (10 + 2) * 5, you will gradually bring yourself into the cycle of an effective work plan.

2. Use red and blue often

Clean up your desk and remove things that distract you. According to a Science Daily study, what color contributes to improving brain activity, red identified will help increase focus on details , while blue helps stimulate creativity.

Self-enveloping yourself with these colors not only benefits the brain but also attracts your eyes more. So you can't leave the desk.

3. Create a rest schedule

List all the things you want to do on holidays, such as surfing the web, checking email, snack times, taking selfies, surfing Facebook / Twitter - everything. Like the formula (10 + 2) * 5, you will also tighten the time to do these activities but the difference is that the total time is only 20 minutes (compared to 1 hour above). Finally, you have a very wise respite. You are completing the task while still "distracting" that you are doing what you like.

These 15 tips will help you to heal 'delay' very simply Picture 2These 15 tips will help you to heal 'delay' very simply Picture 2

4. Set a timetable for your work

Like other habits, delaying is a wall that is difficult to break. Therefore, the effective way is to replace this habit with another habit. When assigned a task, quickly set the time for each step to take. For example, if you have a large exercise to study then:

  1. 9:00 - 9:10 Am - Prepare support tools, open browser, email, make coffee .
  2. 9:10 - 10:00 Am - Search for information on the Internet.
  3. 10:00 - 10:45 Am - Close the browser, research information on downloaded documents.
  4. 10:45 - 11:00 Am - Rest.
  5. 11:00 - 12:00 Pm - Draft research report.

Deadline is the best way to help you accomplish everything. Setting a specific time to complete a task means that you have created pressure on time even after the deadline has expired.

5. Go out

Changing your work environment is also a way to avoid delays. If you need to complete a stressful project, go to the library or cafe. The cozy sofa and bed in the house only make you want to jump on the bed.

6. Be lazy . helpful

Instead of finding every way to end the ineffective delay, you can also take advantage of it to find new shortcuts and new solutions to get things done . Pin multiple sheets of paper at the same time or learn how to fold your clothes in just 3 seconds. The strong motivation associated with occasional laziness will make you do everything better and become more creative that you never thought you could be.

These 15 tips will help you to heal 'delay' very simply Picture 3These 15 tips will help you to heal 'delay' very simply Picture 3

7. Ask someone to supervise you

It could be a colleague, supervisor or another friend, anyone who can give reprimands when you delay. To increase efficiency, you can also set rules to pay fines for each failure to complete a task or to surf Facebook , watch funny videos on YouTube while working. Let's see how much money you lose every time you make a mistake.

8. Do not place electronic devices on the desk

According to the study conducted by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers , the average user checked the phone 150 times / day and warnings about "Cell phone elbow" symptoms (stinging or numbness in the elbow due to use phone too long) seems just a cliché. Storing mobile devices and gadgets allows you to focus on your work without being interrupted by notifications, calls and messages.

9. Prepare furniture for the morning

Before going to bed, prepare everything you need for the next day . This may take you up to about 15 minutes but it helps you have more time to drink coffee in the morning. For example, if you study in the morning, put into your gym bag, shoes, socks . and create a checklist available so you won't forget anything. You can even put food in the box.

10. Exercise 10 minutes in the morning

Exercise has been shown to increase productivity and stimulate the release of endorphins (also known as happy hormones). You can walk outdoors and catch the first rays of the day . If you don't want to go out, you can also work out by using a treadmill or applying simple movements to practice at home.

These 15 tips will help you to heal 'delay' very simply Picture 4These 15 tips will help you to heal 'delay' very simply Picture 4

11. Plan small tasks

If you are assigned a large project, divide it into small tasks . Create a checklist and start from the easiest until you are done. For example, you need to write an article, start with the first title and sentence. If you need to prepare a slide for the presentation, take 15 minutes to set up the outline, take 5 minutes and drink coffee, then, make the first 2 slides. Getting something, even if it's small, will give you a sense of accomplishment.

12. Design an inspiring slogan or reminder

You can print out the quote and paste it on the wall in front of the desk. Or to stimulate it, decorate it with your favorite stickers and colors, such as "Do it now", "I can do it" (I can do it) or Try harder "(Try more) . Then, every time you intend to open your Facebook phone, look up these slogans.

13. Decorate your room

Redecorating the room to your liking is also a way to inspire work. This habit will help you train your creativity, create a sense of accomplishment and have more motivation to do something more interesting.

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14. Prepare food

Do you know when you go from your desk to the fridge, even if it only takes a few minutes, you are easily attracted to other things? Such as a TV show, someone is talking and countless other surprises. So, before starting work, prepare some fruit or snacks on the table.

15. Plan to do housework

Document your household chores daily and weekly to match your work time. You can create tables with funny pictures, paste them into the bathroom, stairs or doors. The trick here is to list as much as possible and include what to do next week. Surely no one likes to see a long list of unfinished things every morning right? So, you will have to start working right away!

Now that you know the tips to end your 'oh' disease, you can successfully apply it.

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