Animation in JavaScript

You can use JavaScript to create a complex, unlimited effect.

You can use JavaScript to create a complex, unlimited effect, with the following elements:

  1. Fireworks
  2. Fade Effect
  3. Roll-in or Roll-out
  4. Page-in or Page-out
  5. Object movements

You should consider the existing effects library built on JavaScript: .

This tutorial provides you with a basic understanding of how to use JavaScript to create an effect.

JavaScript can be used to move several DOM elements ( Animation in JavaScript Picture 1Animation in JavaScript Picture 1 ,

or any other HTML element) around the page according to a number of patterns is determined by a logical equation or function.

JavaScript provides the following two functions that are used frequently in animation programs.

  1. setTimeout (function, duration) - This function calls the Function after the duration (in milliseconds) from now.
  2. setInterval (function, duration) - This function calls the function after each duration (in milliseconds).
  3. clearTimeout (setTimeout_variable) - This function removes any timer set by the setTimeout () function.

JavaScript can also set some properties of a DOM object including its position on the screen. You can set the top and left properties of an object to determine its position anywhere on the screen. Here is the syntax:

 // Set distance from left edge of the screen. object . style . left = distance in pixels or points ; or // Set distance from top edge of the screen. object . style . top = distance in pixels or points ; 

Hand operation animation

We now implement a simple animation using DOM object attributes and JavaScript functions as follows. The following lists the various DOM methods:

We are using the getElementById () function to get a DOM object and then assign it to a Global variable, imgObj .

We have defined an initialization function init () to initialize imgObj , where we have set its position and left properties.

We are calling the initialization function at the time of loading the window.

Finally, we are calling moveRight () function to increase the left distance by 10 pixels. You can also set it to a negative value to move it to the left.

For example

Try the following example:

 JavaScript Animation  type = "text/javascript" >   id = "myImage" src = "./images/html.gif" /> 
 Click button below to move the image to right  type = "button" value = "Click Me" onclick = " moveRight (); " /> 


Run the above command to see the result

Automation animation

In the above example, we saw how an image moves right every time you click. We can automate this process using the setTimeout () function as follows:

Below, we add more methods. That is:

The moveRight () function is calling the setTimeout () function to set the position of imgObj.

We added a new function stop () to delete the timer set by the setTimeout () function and to set the object at the initialization position.

For example

You try the following code:

 JavaScript Animation  type = "text/javascript" >   id = "myImage" src = "./images/html.gif" /> 
 Click the buttons below to handle animation  type = "button" value = "Start" onclick = " moveRight (); " />  type = "button" value = "Stop" onclick = " stop (); " /> 


Run the above command to see the result

Rollover with a Mouse Event

Below is a simple example to illustrate rollover images with a Mouse Event.

Let's look at what is being used in this example:

At the time of loading this page, the if command checks for the existence of the Image object. If this Image object is not available, this block will not be executed.

Image () constructor creates and reloads a new Image object called image1 .

The src attribute is assigned the name of the external image file called ./images/html.gif.

Similarly, we create the image2 object and assign ./images/http.gif in this object.

The # disables the link so that the browser doesn't try to reach the URL when clicked. This link is an image.

The onMouseOver error handling method is activated when the user moves the mouse over the link (the image), and onMouseOut event handler is triggered when the user moves the mouse off the link.

When moving the mouse over the image, the HTTP image changes from the first image to the second image. When moving the mouse out of the image, the original image is displayed.

When moving the mouse off the link, the first initialization image html.gif will reappear on the screen.

 Rollover with a Mouse Events  type = "text/javascript" >  
 Move your mouse over the image to see the result  href = "#" onMouseOver = " document . myImage . src = image2 . src ; " onMouseOut = " document . myImage . src = image1 . src ; " >  name = "myImage" src = "./images/html.gif" /> 


Run the above command to see the result

According to Tutorialspoint

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