A list of 101 utility websites
In the following article, we will introduce to you a list of some websites voted useful for users, synthesized and shared by Digital Inspiration magazine . Most of these are web applications, will definitely help you solve the problem related to technology, utilities . when using the computer.
If you do not have the time to consult the whole, download the PDF document file which has been fully integrated and details of the websites will be mentioned below.
1. screenr.com: record screen activity on the desktop and transfer it to your YouTube account.
2. bounceapp.com: take a screenshot of all websites.
3. goo.gl: shorten the long URL links and convert to QR codes (http://qrcode.kaywa.com/).
4. untiny.me: find the real path of any URL after being shortened.
5. localti.me: display information related to the current IP address
6. copypastecharacter.com: copy special characters not on the keyboard.
7. topsy.com: a better search engine for Twitter.
8. fb.me/AppStore: find iOS apps without iTunes.
9. iconfinder.com: the best place to search for icons - icons with all sizes.
10. office.com: allows downloading templates, clipart and photos for document documents.
11. woorank.com: all you need to know about a website.
12. virustotal.com: scan the entire system to detect threats, risks or attachments containing viruses.
13. wolframalpha.com: helps users get answers without searching.
14. printwhatyoulike.com: print the entire website in a simple and concise way.
15. joliprint.com: reformat blog posts like news sites.
16. isnsfw.com: used when you want to share a website NSFW (Not Safe for Work) with a warning message.
17. e.ggtimer.com: an online calendar organizer for everyday tasks.
18. coralcdn.org: if any website is blocked due to excessive traffic, the server has problems . try accessing it via this tool.
19. random.org: randomly selected dialing, and participants will also receive corresponding rewards on special occasions.
20. mywot.com: check the security and privacy of any website, for example, http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/google.com
21. viewer.zoho.com: view PDF files and Presentation directly in the browser.
22. tubemogul.com: upload videos simultaneously to YouTube and other video websites.
23. truveo.com: the best place to search for websites that offer videos.
24. scr.im: share email addresses online without worrying about spam.
25. spypig.com: receive notifications when recipients open and read your email to them.
26. sizeasy.com: analyze and compare the size of any product when trading online.
27. whatfontis.com: quickly identify the type of font used in the photo.
28. fontsquirrel.com: quite diverse and popular font collection, suitable for personal and commercial use.
29. regex.info: search for information hidden inside the image.
30. tineye.com: is like an online version of Google Googles tool.
31. iwantmyname.com: helps you find all domain names available on the Internet.
32. tabbloid.com: send news stories from your favorite blogs to your inbox as PDF documents.
33. join.me: share screen activity with anyone over the Internet.
34. onlineocr.net: sort and classify text from PDF documents or images after scanning.
35. flightstats.com: monitor the status of flights from airports around the world.
36. wetransfer.com: share large files over the Internet.
37. pastebin.com: an online tool that stores temporary clipboard of information segments in text or programming code.
38. polishmywriting.com: check spelling and grammar errors for posts when posting.
39. awesomehighlighter.com: easily mark important parts of the site.
40. typewith.me: working on a single document with many others.
41. whichdateworks.com: do you want to create an event on occasion? This service will assist you in completing this phase.
42. everytimezone.com: helps users have a simpler view of the time zones of countries around the world.
43. warrick.cs.odu.edu: you will need this tool when all bookmarks are deleted.
44. gtmetrix.com: the perfect online tool to check website performance.
45. imo.im: chat, chat with friends via Skype, Facebook, Google Talk .
46. translate.google.com: translate web pages, PDF documents or Office.
47. youtube.com/leanback: enjoy the YouTube video series consecutively through full screen mode.
48. similarsites.com: discover new sites with many similarities to your current favorite website.
49. wordle.net: summarize and generalize long texts through short tags.
50. bubbl.us: create creative ideas, think right in the browser.
51. kuler.adobe.com: extract key colors from landscape or room photos, houses, campuses .
52. followupthen.com: set up automatic reminders via email.
53. lmgtfy.com: applies in case your friends are too lazy to use Gmail.
54. tempalias.com: Temporarily create aliases for emails, better than one-time emails.
55. pdfescape.com: edit PDF files quickly and easily right in the browser.
56. faxzero.com: a free online fax service.
57. feedmyinbox.com: receive RSS feeds via email.
58. isendr.com: uploading files online does not need to go through any server.
59. tinychat.com: set up a private chat room with just one operation.
60. privnote.com: create notes in text form and automatically cancel after reading.
61. flightaware.com: the service provides information about flights worldwide.
62. boxoh.com: monitor the status of shipments shipped via Google Maps.
63. chipin.com: when you need online funding to host events.
64. downforeveryoneorjustme.com: search and check if your favorite websites are offline.
65. example.com: this service is used as examples in word processing.
66. whoishostingthis.com: search for host information of any website.
67. google.com/history: 'rummaging through' old information on Google that you can't remember exactly what it is.
68. errorlevelanalysis.com: check original photos or have them edited in Photoshop.
69. google.com/dictionary: check the word, meaning, pronunciation and usage examples of any word.
70. urbandictionary.com: find literally or figurative meaning of any word.
71. seatguru.com: please refer to this website before selecting a flight seat.
72. sxc.hu: free download of photos.
73. zoom.it: view high-resolution photos directly by browser without scrolling or other operations.
74. wobzip.org: extract files online.
75. vocaroo.com: directly record user voice with just one operation.
76. scribblemaps.com: create and customize Google Maps maps.
77. buzzfeed.com: it is hard to miss funny or attractive photos or videos.
78. alertful.com: quickly set up reminder emails for important events.
79. encrypted.google.com: 'cover up' your ISP - and service providers from your search information on Google.
80. formspring.me: where to ask and answer personal issues.
81. snopes.com: check the email you received is real or fake.
82. typingweb.com: train your typing speed and ability through examples.
83. mailvu.com: send video email to others using your webcam.
84. ge.tt: Quickly send files to others, and they can view the preview mode before downloading.
85. timerime.com: create timeline with audio, video or photo files.
86. stupeflix.com: quickly create a movie with photos, audio and other videos.
87. aviary.com/myna: an online audio editing tool, allowing you to record, remix with other audio clips.
88. noteflight.com: help you compose music simply and quickly.
89. disposablewebpage.com: create a website to use as an example, have a self-destruct feature after use.
90. namemytune.com: very useful when you need to find the name of a song.
91. homestyler.com: redesign your house by 3D model.
92. snapask.com: use email on your phone to view sports information, read documents on Wikipedia .
93. teuxdeux.com: the app reminds you of everyday tasks with a nice interface.
94. livestream.com: help you watch online TV shows in a simple way.
95. bing.com/images: automatically search for high-quality mobile wallpapers.
96. historio.us: complete the look of the site with different formats.
97. dabbleboard.com: a virtual whiteboard tool.
98. whisperbot.com: send an email without using your original account.
99. sumopaint.com: online graphic editing tool based on different layers.
100. lovelycharts.com: helps you create charts, network systems, sitemaps, diagrams or tables based on different parameters.
101. nutshellmail.com: receive news from Facebook and Twitter at your Inbox.
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