When using pay-related features through websites, users should turn on "Incognito mode" or "Private Browsing" so that the browser does not save important passwords into memory. After exiting the browser, all user information will not be saved to the browser.
Always set a password for your mobile devices to prevent unnecessary " hands-on" situations .
Set the mode to notify others to find information about you on Google. To use this service, please log in to this site . If you want Google to correctly identify your name, put it in quotation marks.
Get into the habit of logging out of services like Facebook, Gmail, Twitter and other social networks after use. As a result, you will avoid people who accidentally use your account.
You also need to check security features on social networks regularly because these services change periodically.
For the Gmail service, use the two-tier password feature. As a result, those who want to log in to your account need to have a confirmation code sent by Google to their master phone. To activate this feature, in the Gmail interface, select Settings> Accounts> Change account settings> Other Google Account settings> Security> 2-step verification> Edit.
Use complex passwords, including uppercase letters and numbers.
Regularly clear the cache and browse the web in the browser periodically. This helps you avoid computer users from tracking their activities on the Internet.