Identify the song
If you really like this song, you'll be happy to know that Windows Phone will also take you right to a store where you can buy and download songs. This is a feature that even Apple fans must envy.
You can have an important appointment but on the way you get stuck in traffic or encounter unexpected situations that make it impossible for you to arrive at the right time. Windows Phone will save you these cases, with the smart scheduler application, you can bookmark important appointments and allow your phone to send pre-drafted messages to those named in the appointment. with a polite apology.
The Bing translation application on Windows Phone is quite handy when traveling abroad or while reading the instructions written in the local language. Download the Bing Translator app on your Windows Phone, and you can travel everywhere without worrying about language issues. After installation, it allows you to point your device's camera into books, menus, or any printed text that has one of the 40 languages it supports to translate into your language.
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Bing Translator
You can also type text directly into the app in case you can't take a photo. And Bing Translator does not require an Internet connection to work, so you have to use it at any time.
Long battery life is a necessity for mobile phones, especially when you are traveling and do not carry a charger. Windows Phone can easily preserve every last "energy" of the battery through the Battery Saver feature enabled in the Settings menu.
When Battery Saver is activated, the phone will not run applications in the background or sync email automatically. Your phone calls and texting will not be interrupted, but you will have to synchronize the application and email manually.
You can tell your friends where you are. When you're on the move and you want to tell your friends that you're almost there, you can pick up the phone and call them. Or you can type a message telling them your location details.
Or you can use the location sharing feature of Windows Phone. It works when you are sending a text message: just click the paperclip icon and select the option to attach your location directly to the message.
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Share your location via message
Other recipients will be your location as a miniature map, which can be opened in the Maps application for more details.
All smartphones can work as a computer, but when you need to handle high-level computing, Windows Phone will help you handle them more easily. Open your computer and turn your phone to the left, and the simple computer interface becomes a handy, high-end computer when you need to solve a physical equation or want to practice trigonometry. in your free time. Rotate the handset to the right and the computer will become a hexadecimal computer.
Groups in Windows Phone allow you to receive updates from the people you care about most. With so many friends and contacts, it can help you find out what's happening with people you really want to keep in touch. Windows Phone allows you to create groups, allowing you to focus your attention on a small group.
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Create a group
You can add your close friends to a group you create, and in that group, you'll see social updates and emails from friends, and have the option to text, email, or Instant whole group messages at the same time.
The fact that typing on the touch screen is not ideal. But Windows Phone has a few tricks that will make writing your difficult messages easier.
One of the biggest problems with mobile keyboards is just typing numbers, even on the largest phone screen, you have to switch between keyboards with letters, keyboards with numbers, and keyboard with punctuation marks. But Windows Phone can provide some shortcuts to access the different numbers and icons you need to use to make your message complete.
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