8 easily steps to make your own online store

Have you ever thought about creating an online store? How to easily create an online store? If so, you can assume it will be very difficult, requiring a lot of skill.

However, the truth is that as we approach 2022, it is easier than ever to create an online store. You can get one up and running within a day. You don't even need to have anything to sell!

Using an ecommerce website builder from a site like Wix, you can create beautiful websites using a range of themes. You can have the basic website set up almost immediately. Then it becomes a matter of writing product descriptions and uploading quality photos. And if you don't have anything to sell, that can be arranged.

Picture 1 of 8 easily steps to make your own online storePicture 1 of 8 easily steps to make your own online store

Let's go into how you can make your own online store with no prior experience.

#1. Choose a theme

The first thing you need to do when you create an online store using a website builder is to choose a theme. You will need to choose a theme that is optimized for ecommerce purposes. You will find a range of themes with different color palettes, design styles, and aesthetics.

You can customize these themes, but the basics are already in place for you. As long as you stick to the color palettes suggested, your website will look great.

#2. Decide on what to sell

Since you are creating an online store, you need something to sell. Maybe you already have a business up and running which creates products. If so, you know exactly what you want to sell. However, what if you just want to do the selling part?

Dropshipping makes that possible. With dropshipping, you create the website and connect buyers and sellers. The delivery details are sorted out for you and you don't ever need to be in possession of stock.

The idea of dropshipping is to play the middleman, using small margins to make a profit. You can use this technique to supplement a related business, or to get your own store started, trialing what it is like to sell products online.

#3. Take quality photos

If you are selling your own products, you need to display them in all their glory. I recommend hiring a professional photographer for a quick photo shoot. They will come with a professional camera and will know how to make your products look their absolute best. You can learn to do this yourself, and your phone camera will do at a stretch, but it is ideal to source professional images.

#4. Write product descriptions

Upload your photos and write product descriptions. You can hire a pro to do this as well, but short descriptions are not too difficult. As long as you include the keywords that someone may search for when trying to buy your products, you will be all set.

#5. Write landing page copy

Copywriting for your landing page is different from the copy you write for your descriptions. It requires more of a subtle touch, that draws visitors in with warmth and engagement. You should also include keywords, but don't overdo it. You want your landing page copy to be easy to read by humans rather than robots.

#6. Add payment portals

You can use third party apps to provide payment portals. Include the option to pay with debit and credit cards, Payoneer, and even direct deposit. The more payment options you make available, the more likely your customers can send you their money. Certain payment methods are more expensive on your side than others, so check out the T&Cs before deciding on what to offer.

#7. Find a shipping provider

There are many shipping providers available to help you with shipping your products. Since ecommerce is a huge industry, they know what they are doing. They've done this with far bigger companies and have succeeded. If you are dropshipping, the shipping provider you use will be one of the decisions you make during the process of setting up your site.

#8. Start marketing

Once your website is set up and you have given people a way to pay for and receive your products, you need to find customers. Marketing in today's world primarily refers to online means. You should set up social media pages and look for audiences who might want your products. You can target people using social media with variables including demographics, interests, locations, and much more.

Marketing will take time, but once you have your target audience defined, you will be able to consistently target them with ads. Now, your website is ready to accommodate your new customers and you will start to see sales happening!

Creating an ecommerce site today is so easy. Anyone can do it, even if you don't have anything to sell.

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