3 reasons why Android Netbook can take down Windows

Cost savings are a vital issue for not only consumers but also computer manufacturers right now. That is why the Netbook is so popular

Cost savings are a vital issue for not only consumers but also computer manufacturers right now. That is why the Netbook is so popular .

But can PC firms squeeze netbook prices even lower? HP, the world's number one computer maker, is considering using Google's free Android operating system, instead of paying for long-time partner Microsoft to install Windows.

Here are 3 reasons why the combination of HP and Android can be considered "ideal".

1. Money

Microsoft imposes a licensing fee, which is very high for Windows operating systems, while businesses don't have to pay any money when installing Android. Therefore, if you choose Android, HP and Netbook manufacturers will be able to save a lot of money, thereby having the conditions to further reduce prices.

Remember the case of HP Mini 1000 MIE - the Linux version of the Mini 1000 series. Its price is only 379 USD, while the same hardware, if Windows is installed, will sell for 549 USD.

2. Reliable

3 reasons why Android Netbook can take down Windows Picture 13 reasons why Android Netbook can take down Windows Picture 1 Source: Gizmodo Perhaps Windows users will take a while to adapt to Android. This fact makes many users afraid to change. However, Google is always a trusted brand in technology, so their products will gain greater trust than Linux open source software.

If you are tired of spending money on Windows, especially in this difficult period, the attraction from Android is quite strong. The more people switch to Android, the more it has the opportunity to develop, improve and give you a more perfect experience.

3. Simple

Netbooks are primarily aimed at ordinary computer users, so don't expect their technology level to be too high.

Some Windows operating systems like Vista are really too complicated, too memory intensive and a terrible waste for those who just want to surf the Net and write emails.

Meanwhile, Android Netbook will have a simpler, more optimized user interface for Web-based applications like Google Docs. Remember that Google was born to serve users most directly, "off".

However, HP said it has only researched the possibility of Android applications on Netbooks, not disclosing that it has planned to mass produce the product.

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