17 blockbuster in the history of mobile computing
The overwhelming success of the field of mobile computing in the past decade must include the significant contribution of pioneering 'works', at the forefront of innovation. Here are the mobile devices, the most memorable blockbusters in the past 10 years.
1971: Busicom LE-120A 'Handy-LE' calculator
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This is the first pocket calculator. Placing this device on the list of mobile computer blockbusters may seem unusual, but this is one of the first devices equipped with a calculation function. Although there are many handheld computers that existed before this product, the Handy-LE is the first computer that can be easily held in hand or fit into a pocket. The product is small in size because it is equipped with a single-chip calculation circuit - Mostek MK610 - to perform calculation functions.
1978: Parker Bros Merlin toy computer
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Parker Bros Merlin is one of the earliest mobile computers favored by children during the late 1970s and early 80s. The product is equipped with a simple processor and can play 6 different games.
1981: Osborne 1 mobile computer
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Although weighing more than 10kg, Osborne 1 is the first computer for users to carry. Computers have a 5-inch screen, two floppy drives, a keyboard and handle for easy access. However, the product is still too heavy to carry around.
1982: Laptop Grid Compass 1100 shell
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This is the first clamshell laptop and this design is still retained in today's laptop design standards.
1983: Mobile PC TRS-80 Model 100
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TRS-80 Model 100 is one of the first computers to be light enough (1.5kg) for users to easily carry around on the move. Model 100 was a popular product for journalists.
1984: Psion Organizer handheld computer
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Psion Organizer is really rated as the world's first portable personal computer. Psion Organizer consists of Basic calculator, calendar and programming language functions. Psion handsets (UK) are considered to be the precursors of Nokia's Symbian mobile phones later.
1991: Psion Series 3 mini crystal machine
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This is considered the 'ancestor' of netbook computers. Psion 3 is in the form of a clamshell, word processor, spreadsheet, database, drawing program, calculation and clock.
1996: Palm Pilot 1000
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Apple 's Psion and Newton devices may appear before this product, but Palm Pilot 1000 is actually the first popular personal digital assistant (PDA). This PDA allows users to save lists, calendars, contact databases and short memos all in one handheld device thanks to a small pen. Palm's Graffiti handwriting recognition technology on this device is also more acceptable than that of Newton and previous handwritten pen systems.
1996: Panasonic Toughbook CF-25 laptop
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Toughbook CF-25 laptop is equipped with aluminum alloy case which is resistant to harsh environmental conditions such as dust, heat and humidity as well as water permeability. The products are very popular with the commanders, police and emergency services. The product is a 'mark' of mobile devices that are resistant to all harsh conditions.
1999: iBook G3 laptop has Apple's WiFi connection capability
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The product is not only designed in style but also one of the first consumer laptops with WiFi connectivity, and has opened the era of wireless Internet connection.
2002: Laptop Hybrid laptop of TravelMate TM-100 from Acer
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TravelMate is one of the first devices to install Windows XP Tablet PC Edition operating system. They allow users to rotate the screen 180 degrees and fold on the keyboard like a tablet. However, up to 8 years later, the idea of a new tablet was shaped when the first iPad was launched in 2010.
2002: Mobile phone / email RIM BlackBerry 5810
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The BlackBerry 5810 is the first portable email device with phone functionality. The product helped RIM to lead the business smartphone market. They are equipped with a number of technologies currently used on smartphones today such as e-mail push feature, end-to-end data encryption.
2006: Samsung Super Mobile PC Q1
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Samsung Q1 features a 7-inch display screen, 900MHz processor, 500MB RAM and works on Windows XP operating system. However, this product only existed for a short time due to the high prices and devices of smartphones and tablets later. But the product is the earliest ultra-portable device.
2007: Eee PC netbook
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Mini laptop is an important development of mobile computers. Products represent low-cost and small-size laptops. At that time, the Laptop Per Child campaign began offering low-cost laptops for children in developing countries. In developed countries, netbooks soon become ultraportables like MacBook Air and Dell Adamo. The Eee PC is also outstanding using SSD drives instead of hard drives.
2007: Apple's iPhone
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Apple's first iPhone features an intuitive interface and powerful computing capabilities, which have changed the way users think about smartphones (smartphones).
2010: Apple's iPad tablet
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This is the first product that has shaped the tablet segment. Users can read, manage email or watch videos on it. Apple sold about 15 million iPads in 2010 and accounted for about 83% of tablet retail sales in the market.
2011: Motorola Atrix 4G Smartphone
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Motorola Atrix 4G was born that narrowed the gap between mobile phones and desktop computers. The device works like a regular smartphone, but if you connect them to an external monitor, with a keyboard and mouse, you can run the full version of Firefox as perfectly as any other mobile application. Business users can access the virtual Windows screen on Atrix 4G via Citrix XenApp application.
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