11 ways to increase productivity for your life
We all want to build a better, more organized, more productive and less worrying lifestyle.
However, these expectations are not always easy to implement, especially when so many things happen every day that distract us and "balance" life - work is always in a state of being tilted to one side.
So how to reduce stress and optimize time and energy sources for everyday activities while still ensuring the best results? Here are 11 tips to improve productivity that you can use for a lifetime. Certainly, they never "excess".
1. Understand yourself
"Know thyself" is a phrase that in recent years has appeared quite a lot in articles or books. In fact, about 400 years ago, Socrates mentioned these two words to emphasize a philosophy that people need to understand themselves, that is, to know about its life and meaning. However, if everyone can do that, there is no need to discuss.
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Benjamin Franklin once said: "There are three things that are very difficult: steel, diamond and to know one's self." Sometimes we feel like we "know" about ourselves but we don't really understand anything. "Knowing" here means knowing what is happening in you, including your actions, thoughts and emotions and can control them. Simplicity means mastering yourself.
Once you "know yourself", you will know when during the day you work best and allocate important tasks to do at that time.
Once you "know yourself", you will know when you feel really happy, want to say love, want to cry, want to be happy or begin to show anger and control them. As a result, you will be easier in relationships and keep them more sustainable and not let emotions overwhelm your mind anymore.
2. Limit using Facebook
No one has confirmed how long Facebook will last, but it is certain that in a few years (or even more) it will still be there - still the online community with the participation of millions of people around the world. and still a place for you to "kill" time "mercilessly".
Do you find that just watching a video or reading a funny status in seconds you can be attracted to other videos and jokes, then a few seconds become a few minutes and a few hours .
According to a study, 23% of office workers think Facebook is an "ideal destination" to waste time and energy.
Therefore, limiting Facebook usage to the maximum will help you manage your time more effectively and improve your productivity.
3. Limit phone usage
Although smartphones help you simplify a lot of problems in everyday life and work, such as alarms, journaling, checklist creation, messaging, phone calls, reminders, news updates. or conference call (Conference call) but if overused, it will be counterproductive.
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According to statistics, an average person opens a phone test about 221 times / day. Obviously, the total number of times holding phones and opening screens (not to mention the use of apps) has also consumed you a lot of precious time. One day we only have 24 hours and the use of it for what jobs is up to you.
4. Stay focused and don't hug too much work
Many people think that at the same time combining many things like eating rice while reading newspapers, meeting and sending emails to customers or listening to the phone while planning work . will optimize the time but the truth Not entirely so.
Unless you are a "multitasking" person - you can control many things at the same time while still ensuring the best performance, otherwise the "embrace yourself " routine will make you quickly tired, exhausted and not there is a will to try.
Focus on one thing, try to fulfill them well to be motivated to solve the next task, which is a useful advice to help you improve productivity both in work and life.
Don't forget that the human brain can only concentrate for 90 to 120 minutes at a time before moving to a resting and relaxing stage.
5. Effective email management
Inbox (inbox) in email is contributed by you and others. Therefore, do not let them become obstacles that make you stressed every day. Manage them well.
You can organize inbox by sorting important emails through creating folders, using the "tag" feature, switching to other tabs or starring. Besides this, choosing the right time to handle email is also indispensable.
According to scientists, answering emails in the early morning is a habit that will reduce productivity and make a bad effect on our moods the whole day after that.
6. Immerse yourself in nature
Immerse yourself in the fresh air with nature is a very effective way to refresh the spirit, improve concentration and accelerate the process of energy production in the body.
You can change the environment by regularly walking, listening to meditation music, listening to natural sounds like the sound of rain, thunder, wind; opening windows while working, exercising early in the morning . All of these activities contribute to improving work productivity very well.
7. Meditation
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Just taking 15 minutes a day to meditate can help you make better decisions, increase concentration and reduce stress very effectively. In addition, meditation is claimed to stimulate creativity, inspire inspiration and have many practical benefits to health.
8. Ask for help
Why asking for help can help us improve productivity? Simply because no one is good at everything and not everyone wants to do everything. There will be times when we encounter difficulties in a problem and it is necessary to delegate or delegate the work to another person proficient in it.
9. Rest
Working continuously all day will not help you improve productivity but vice versa, it will make you more tired and not as flexible as before.
To change, you need to develop a reasonable work and rest plan. Spend the necessary time to relax, "exercise" the brain and sleep more. Thus, you will be alert and have more energy for the next day.
10. Break down the goal
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Completing the big goal will make you feel pressured but breaking the goal will give you more motivation and spirit to fight.
Knowing how to simplify big goals by splitting into small tasks will help you get better solutions, solve problems faster and use those small achievements as leverage to break through. and conquer even bigger goals.
Knowing how to motivate yourself is the key to staying ahead of all obstacles.
11. Work smart
Sitting in the wrong position or applying a problem-solving method will make you more likely to achieve your goals. Therefore, knowing how to work smart, flexible and open is the secret to mastering everything in life.
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