Remember carefully the following simple skills to defend yourself when in danger

In life there are many bad situations, surprises can happen that you can not anticipate. If there is no one by then then you must learn to save yourself.

In life there are many bad situations, surprises can happen that you can not anticipate. If there were no people nearby, people were not present in time, then you had to learn how to save yourself. During an emergency, you can lose your temper and don't know what to do to defend yourself and free yourself. So keep in mind the following simple skills that can be applied when in danger.

1. Scream loudly, causing a loud noise

Remember carefully the following simple skills to defend yourself when in danger Picture 1Remember carefully the following simple skills to defend yourself when in danger Picture 1

This is the first thing you must do when in danger. Scream loudly and use all that can be around to make a sound. For example, if you are attacked at home, you can run into the kitchen, not only there with knives, forks, scissors . can be used as a self-defense weapon that pots, pots, pans . fall down The soil also made a great noise. This scream and noise can scare off bad people, run away or so people can come to help you.

2. Make use of everything around

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Don't stand still when attacked by bad guys. Make use of everything around you as a weapon against him. A stick, a brick, tip of a ballpoint pen, a handful of sand . can also help you a lot in emergencies.

3. Make use of things that carry people

Use everything you bring with you to protect yourself. If you are a woman, you can use your bag to fight the bad guys, kick hard into the shin bone with high heels, use perfume to bring you into his eyes .

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Insert each key in the middle of the fingers, hold it firmly, you will have a sharp weapon to protect yourself. Or use a helmet to hit the attacker's head hard.

4. Attack on weaknesses

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When attacked by bad guys, we will have reflexes and attacks in reverse. But if you only fight in general, without a specific goal, you will be exhausted and become weaker, especially if you are a woman with weak hands. The best way is to concentrate and put all your strength into hitting the weak points of bad guys such as chin, throat, eyes, abdomen, ribs, lowering .

5. Throw away your wallet and key

If you are attacked by a bad guy just because you want to rob your property, throw the wallet and car keys away. At that time, he will be distracted, looking at the position you throw, creating opportunities for you to escape. In that situation, you must be absolutely decisive because life is much more important than property.

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It is recommended to throw these items in places that are hard to find like bushes . so that robbers have difficulty finding. If you're lucky, after getting help from everyone, you can go back and find your property.

6. Self-untied skills

If tied with a plastic zip string, raise your hand over your head, brace your stomach, really concentrate and then put your strength and strength to the sides from top to bottom towards your abdomen, your elbows hit back, zip cord will broke off and you can find a way to escape later.

In the same way, you can also easily untie the straps with tape.

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In addition, if before being tied up, hold your hand, let your thumb and forefinger touch each other, hold your hand up so that your wrists are flattened to the side, and when you are tied, you just need to relax. Out of hand, there will be a sufficient space to pull out.

7. Attacked in the elevator

If you are attacked by a bad guy during the month or feel any danger, immediately press the button of all floors. The elevator opened continuously will minimize the possibility that he dared to hand you.

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When you see any floor where someone is standing, run out quickly and ask for their help. If you exit the elevator in a deserted floor, chances are, bad guys will follow and attack you there.

8. Participate in self-defense courses

Remember carefully the following simple skills to defend yourself when in danger Picture 8Remember carefully the following simple skills to defend yourself when in danger Picture 8

To have the most complete knowledge system to protect your life in dangerous situations, it is best to take self-defense courses. Because in many cases, you are forced to not fight against bad guys and without the help of others. Equip yourself with the necessary skills to survive and be ready to deal with emergencies.

At the same time, these courses also help you improve your health, make your mind more alert, sharp and capable of being alert, and soon discover dangerous situations to promptly respond.

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