What to do to ensure life in situations of bad guys attacking?
Important life has a lot of unexpected dangerous situations that can happen. What to do to ensure life in the case of bad guys attacking?
1. The burglar breaks into the house
When the burglar has not entered the house
When you have not entered the house, you should turn on all lights in the house and on the yard, speak loudly and pretend to be calling the police or a group of acquaintances who are together nearby and nearby neighbors. . let the thief see him in danger and leave.
When suspected of theft in the yard, garden
What to do to ensure life in situations of bad guys attacking? Picture 1
When you suspect a burglar is in your yard or garden, do not open the door to check it out. Chances are, the thief will attack you.
Be gentle to the window of observation and listening, let everyone in the house know and pretend to turn on the power, turn on the television so that the thief sees your family still awake. If the thief has not yet left, call and do the same as the above suggestion.
Once stolen, went into the house
In case you suddenly see the thief in your house and he still doesn't know that he has been discovered
- You pretend to suddenly have something urgent that the whole family has to go out like: a loved one is sick, has an accident . At that time the thief will not move and stand still, waiting for the family You leave the house to make it easier to operate. Once you are out safely, immediately call the police or ask your neighbors to arrest the thief.
- In addition, you can pretend to have severe abdominal pain, difficulty breathing . or any serious problems and let the thief hear that you are calling an ambulance , then the whole family prepare to go to the hospital. But actually call the police . Please give us brief information such as: my name is, my home is at the address, please come quickly.
- If your family has many people sleeping in different rooms. Depending on improvisation, you can wake up the person lying next to you. Move together to someone else's room until they all gather in a safe room and lock the door left so the thief can't attack you and immediately call outside and police.
What to do to ensure life in situations of bad guys attacking? Picture 2
In case your family has been controlled by the thief
- Follow what he asks . After obtaining the property, he will leave. Remember his identity and immediately report it to the police.
- If, he intends to attack you, then take advantage of everything around to fight back . The best way is to run quickly into the kitchen because there are many things that you can use as weapons such as knives, scissors, cutting boards, saucepans, pans . while shouting loudly to the neighbor's house. Can hear around.
- If you are injured and in a weaker position, you should not continue to resist, the more dangerous you will be.Pretend to faint or pretend to die so that the thief won't continue attacking you. As such, you will be able to keep your life.
2. Threatened while on the road
What to do to ensure life in situations of bad guys attacking? Picture 3
When you are on the road, especially while driving, if suddenly being threatened by bad guys and having to move or follow what he asks, you should first cooperate with him. If you immediately resist, he can use weapons to attack you.
After that, you must be calm and observe everything around you. Deliberately go into places where there are many vehicles to extend the time as much as possible. And when observing wherever traffic police or crowds were standing on the road, immediately pulled out the car keys, quickly jumped out of the car and called for help . You may end up being lightly murdered and will be safe later.
3. Followed by bad guys
If you find out that someone is following you, don't rush as quickly as he can speed up and follow you. Also do not go into small lanes, without people passing by, chances are that bad guys will attack you. And you should not go straight home either, so bad guys will know your home and can come back.
What to do to ensure life in situations of bad guys attacking? Picture 4
The best thing you should do is go into big, crowded streets. When you see any police headquarters, traffic police boots, crowded places like supermarkets, cafes, large crowds gathered . you should run right in and ask for help.
If it is at night, the more you have to stay calm, the main streets will still have people passing by. Now, look around and you can ask the help of interdisciplinary 141 to work at night, mobile police patrol, night car keeping or any restaurant, restaurant still open door.
4. Attacked
What to do to ensure life in situations of bad guys attacking? Picture 5
Once attacked, you should find ways to resist, get out of that threat and run as fast as you can and keep calling for help to get everyone's attention.
Take advantage of everything around: bricks, sticks, sharp objects, even just a ballpoint pen . to be a weapon against him. Or you can grab a handful of sand, roadside dust throws into his eyes when he doesn't notice.
Attack on weaknesses such as eyes, neck, lower .
In case you have been injured and cannot do anything anymore, the best way is to pretend to be unconscious. After the bad guys leave, you can ask people for help.
5. Being kidnapped
What to do to ensure life in situations of bad guys attacking? Picture 6
If kidnapped, quickly throw away your personal belongings such as shoes, bags, wallets, rings . so everyone can know where you are missing and find out termite Try to keep the phone with you, turn off the bell so you can secretly communicate with family members and police
When kidnapped, you should cooperate on what is required to ensure your own safety and find an opportunity to escape. If you are told by a bad person to talk to your family for ransom or any other conditions, then skillfully describe the character of where you are being held so that your family and the police can understand where you are.
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