If you are in an imbalance between work and life, read the following article
Achieving goals, ambitions, and career advancement is something everyone wants. Because, they give each person the satisfaction of what they have tried, have more income to invest in the family, play, entertain, travel and buy expensive things to increase their feeling. happy. So, many people have come up with solutions to optimize work efficiency, how to do 8 hours in the office can do more, be more productive without knowing that you have been Love falls into a trap: Life after hours is seriously overturned.
If you are in an imbalance between work and life, read the following article Picture 1
If you are in such a situation then it is time to add your time management skills manual to the following 10 simple tips to optimize the time period after work. Once applied well, they will help you easily get a balance between work and life
1. End a working day at a fixed time
John Wooden once said, "Don't let a living and make a living out of a life."
Working overtime did not bring anything except bad results, moreover, it also made each person's private life disappear. There are so many other things that must be done so if you work overtime it will make you do nothing but lie down on the bed and sleep until morning.
If you want to have enough energy for your personal life after work, you should determine when to leave everything in the office. Once you do this, your planning skills will also improve.
2. Give yourself 30 minutes to rest
It seems that people in modern life are in a hurry. We don't know how to rest and relax like before. Even 30 minutes of coffee time with friends is also used to update each other's life instead of being comfortable talking. When was the last time you simply sat in a quiet space and let your mind float in the room? Do you remember?
If you are in an imbalance between work and life, read the following article Picture 2
To solve all the stresses that occur every day, you need to learn to appreciate your day and think about what might happen. If you do not do that, you will only get caught up in negative thoughts and rushing to do something immediately after going home just to try to forget them will not make you uncomfortable. Instead, sit down for at least 30 minutes, drink a cup of coffee or tea, turn off all annoying things like phones and computers and start putting your body in a "silent" state. In this way, you will easily get rid of problems and focus more on finding ways to solve those problems.
3. Spend 1 hour on weekends to plan
There are a lot of things to do next week but often forget or have to write down the paper work but hurriedly missed it. If you also encounter this situation, you should spend an hour on the weekend to organize work and life seriously.
4. Learn to say "No"
"When you say YES to others, make sure you don't say NO to yourself" (Paulo Coelho).
If you are in an imbalance between work and life, read the following article Picture 3
You don't have much time after work to do everything. So, learn how to say "No" now. Don't overdo things at the same time and don't rush to say "Yes" because changing a plan at the last minute can make your previous plan completely turned upside down.
5. Blogging
"Writing is the only way I have to explain my own life to myself" (roughly translated: "Writing is the only way I have to explain my own life to myself"). - Pat Conroy
Blogging is also seen as an effective way to help each person easily review events that took place during the day, share experiences, and train creativity.
6. Understand what to prioritize first
In order to optimize time, you need to know what is most important. Don't ignore important things just because they happen unexpectedly. If you really want something, try to achieve it.
7. Please know the combination
Use your free time wisely to restore energy, do what you like and be with your family. They will work to help you get more inspiration and motivation to start a new day.
If you are in an imbalance between work and life, read the following article Picture 4
8. Exercise before work
Exercise before work like walking or light exercises will help you work more efficiently and concentrate. As a result, all jobs will soon be completed and you have more time to do other things.
9. Say no to social networks and computers
Once the hours are up, exit Facebook, Twitter or any other chat software and go home or do what you like. Having a limit for yourself and learning how to connect people more directly is also a solution to help you achieve the perfect balance between work and life.
10. Don't plan too many things
If there are too many things to do in the evening, you will really be in chaos. Please accept that truth because we cannot completely finish it.
Therefore, a rule that you need to remember is not to plan too many things at once, apply priority rules, say "No" and you will easily decide what needs to be done first.
Countless things will happen in our lives and it is really difficult to control what is to come. Therefore, try to balance your work and family life to not miss other good things.
Author: Ivan Dimitrijevic
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